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Satoru got the very best seats he could, and quickly got Shiza and himself a drink and candys, knowing damn well how she enjoyed watching the games.
He knew her fully.

------3 years before------

Shiza was on her bike riding back home from her mother's house, she stopped at a small shop on the road to buy some sweets for her evening, the shop was quite small, a middle aged lady at the cash register and only one other costumer, a tall man with a withe tee and sunglasses, she felt that he must have been a sourcerer like her father (and her and her brother), but his aura was 'heavier' she would have called it.
He probably also felt that another preatty 'heavy aura' entred the shop. He paid and slowly turned, Shiza wasn't looking at him; but he was DEAFINETLY looking at her. No girl ever left Satoru Gojo in that frozen state. But then she turned looking at him, almost scaring him, with those cunning yellow foxy eyes.

"pardon me" she said passing close to the guy to go pay her stuff.

He took some step back but was still in her way once she was heading out.

"Pardon me, again." she said, kind of pissed for the man still in her way,
"Sumimasen" he said getting out of the way, pushing the sunglasses back in place. Too late: she saw the sky blue eyes.
"it's ok. Have a nice day sir."
"Gojo, it's Gojo if you like." Why did he said something so stupid, he asked himself "I will like it if you do" again he just recived a 'not so sure'/'you're kind of wired' look from the girl.
"... yeah, Gojo, cool. Whatever, bye!" she said weaving and walking away.
He felt, for once dumb, he felt confused, not knowing why was he acting like such an idiot "no wait! Mattekudasai! I'm not usually this 'uncool'! I swear I'm a very charming and delightful!"
"Must be your unlucky day than Gojo!" she shouted getting on the bike and rolling the engine.

He wanted to say something else, wanted to try to give it another shot, but he coulden't find nothing, Gojo had to watch her getting far in distance. Thinking he'll never see her again.

Not much more than a month later, in early august, the firework festival arrived. Gojo went there as he did every year, bringing his students with him.
While walking through the sea of people in Tokyo, he was capeble to see the small yellow shimmer of those foxy eyes. He manegd to find her among the crowd, and to grab her wrist.
She turend a little scared, and ready to punch the person, untill she saw the man behind the sunglasses and remembered him.

"oh, umh.. Gojo, yes. Gojo right? Hi !" she said with a smile, even she couldn't understand why she was so happy of seeing a man she didn't in fact know.
"yes! Hi... um. Right I don't know your name, but I don't need a name when i have such gorgeous eyes, do I?"
"So you are a player! Ah Ah ! But are you a good one?"

Well, since they ended up making out in a small alley 'till 2 in the morning, and Gojo forgetting he even had students to take care of, I'm almost 100% convinsed to say that they both are very good players.

But that didn't end up like it usually do with 'players'. They spent the rest of the night togheter, even had breakfast togheter, and kept on calling eachother every day, without ever feeling overwhelmd.

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