Ch 3|| Hatching Day

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Art isn't mine

"MOOOOOM I'm HOOOOOME," Dragonfly announced as he walked into his family's tree hut.

 His father originally wanted to live in the trees, but his mother had said she had a fear of heights. So that's how they ended up in a leaf hut near a waterfall that made a great swimming pool when it got too hot.

"Hey, sweetie!" Dragonfly's mom called from the kitchen. "I'm making your hatching day cake!" Dragonfly ran to the kitchen excitedly.

Tomorrow was Dragonfly's hatching day. He was turning 3 years old, which was a big deal for his mother. There was some HiveWing tradition celebrated when a dragonet turned 3 years old by performing a dance that included a lot of butt-wagging. Dragonfly laughed so hard the first time Grasshopper showed it to him that he fell over.

Now that the day was coming up, Dragonfly didn't think the dance was so funny anymore. He was going to have to perform the dance at his hatching day celebration which he wasn't looking forward to. But for now, he could enjoy tasting the mango icing his mother was making.

"Hey, mom?" Dragonfly asked while cleaning his talons in the pool of water. "Yeah, sweetie? What's up?" Grasshopper responded absentmindedly. Dragonfly leaned down and started mixing ingredients. "Why do you never talk about your old life in Pantala?"

Dragonfly heard a clattering sound–then silence. "Why do you ask?" asked his mother in a strange voice. "I just thought it was weird that I don't know anything about your old friends and family, just Dad's."

Grasshopper knelt next to Dragonfly. "Honey, the reason I never talk about my life in Pantala is, frankly, I never felt I needed to. I have a wonderful life with you and your father with a beautiful home. I prefer to live in the present."

Dragonfly felt warmed by her words, but something felt off. Was Dragonfly's mom lying to him? No, she would never do that. He scolded himself for thinking so poorly of his mother. Every dragon would always try to be honest and good, right?

"Does that answer your question?" Grasshopper inquired, standing up. Dragonfly nodded slowly. "Then let's go make some cake!" Grasshopper returned to the kitchen.

Dragonfly mustered a smile, but inside, he knew that with all her words, she really hadn't said anything at all...

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