Zachary Stark [OC BIO]

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Name: Zachary Stark

Nickname: Zach[from James, Thomas, Azari, and Pym]

Hair Color: Dark Brown.

Eyes color: Blue

Hairstyle: Short.

Age: 16

Height: 5'10

Weight: 169 lb



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Mark 50 suit:

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Mark 50 suit:

[A/N: The suit will have powers and abilities from Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame]

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[A/N: The suit will have powers and abilities from Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame]

Relatives: Anthony "Tony" Edward Stark/Iron Man[father]

Relatives: Anthony "Tony" Edward Stark/Iron Man[father]

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Pepper Stark[mother/deceased]

Pepper Stark[mother/deceased]

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Likes: Science. Technology. His friends. Living up to his father's legacy. F.R.I.D.A.Y. Cheeseburgers. Training. Sports. Chilling. Saving lives. Fighting evil. Video games.

Dislikes: Ultron. Iron Avengers. Missing his mother. Seeing his friends and his father getting hurt.

Personality: Zachary is serious, cocky, and highly self-conscious. He knows that, in terms of technology, he's the best, and every time he's proved wrong he'd do whatever it takes to come back to the top. He has very little knowledge of social life and has problems with interacting with other people (mostly those who are not as rich or not as "technologic" as him).

Although he doesn't show it, he cares about his newly made friends and is deeply concerned about their safety. That's why when he tries to do everything on his own, he ends up getting scolded by either his father or his friends afterward.

Headcanon Voice Actor: Benjamin Diskin


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