The gymnasium is silent as she lays still, dazed and disoriented

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The gymnasium is silent as she lays still, dazed and disoriented. Her teammates rush over to her side. The referee blows the whistle,stopping the game as coach T and Caroline hurries onto the court.

Caroline crutches over her, checking her pulse. She slowly starts to talk to Gabbi, and all I can see is discomfort etched on her face. Caroline speaks again, before grabbing Gabbi's hand and arm and slowly sitting her up.

Dizzy, very dizzy

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Dizzy, very dizzy.

I can hear Caroline speaking to me, but it sounds like I have ear muffs.

"Gabriella , can you hear me?" she asks.

I try to open my mouth to respond, but it's tooo hard, so I groan instead.

"Il take that as a yes, can you feel my hand? Squeeze as tight as you can please." she grabs my hand.

I squeeze as hard as I possibly can.

"Good, i'm going to slowly sit you up, you will feel dizzy, but please please don't throw up on my Tini." she pauses for a second and then I feel her grab my arm. I also feel extra hands on the other side of my as well as behind me.

They slowly lift my body and sure enough my head starts to spin, on top of the throbbing.

I groan in pain.

"I know I know, but i've got to get you off of this court." caroline shushes

"Can you open your eyes Tini?"

I slowly fight against my eyelids and slowly open my eyes, but nothing is clear it all looks like a blob of color and black spots.

"Good, can you see anything"

"blobs" I groan,closing my eyes after a wave of nausea hits me.

With gentle hands, they help me to my feet, carrying most of my weight.

My legs legit feel like jelly, wonder if this is how it will feel after Marc rails-

"Open your eyes Tini '' Caroline instructs, but it feels almost impossible.

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