Personality: Highly intelligent. Brave. Caring. Quipy. Compassionate. Thoughtful. Selfless. Confident. Protective. Laid back. Serious. A little reserved and quiet.

Likes: Cheeseburger and fries. Pizza. Vegetables. Chinese. His friends[James, Zachary, Azari, Francis, and his team]. Tony[father figure]. Torunn. Science. Making gadgets with Pym, Tony, and Zachary. Working out. Saving the world. Video games. Fighting bad guys and drones. Sports. Making his legacy. Having fun.

Dislikes: Ultron. Iron Avengers. Venom. Jealous when Francis flirts with Torunn. Losing the ones he loves.

Powers: Spider-Sense. Superhuman Strength. Superhuman Speed. Superhuman Stamina. Superhuman Agility. Superhuman Reflexes. Superhuman Durability. Superhuman Equilibrium. Superhuman Leaping. Wall-Crawling. Bio-Electricity Generation. Camouflage. Stingers.[In both forearms]. Night Vision. Resistance[resisted to mind control]. Regenerative Healing Factor.

Abilities: High genius-level-intellect. Expert Scientist. Expert Tactician. Skilled Guitarist. Skilled Artist. Multilingual. Master Marksman. Master Combatant.

Gadgets: Web-shooters.

Impact Web: The Impact Web has the same effect as multiple shots from the Web Shooter, except that it fires a more intense projectile, likely with greater momentum

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Impact Web: The Impact Web has the same effect as multiple shots from the Web Shooter, except that it fires a more intense projectile, likely with greater momentum. Impact Web webs enemies faster; on most normal-sized enemies, this means being bound instantaneously. Shooting Impact Web on foes that position themselves by a wall surface, or ones that are not on their foot, will often result in easy webbed knockout.

As the tool is upgraded further, the knockback effect becomes so powerful that firing it at a normal-sized enemy that is anywhere near a web-able surface in the opposite direction of the player by a range of 10 meters would instantly result in a k...

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As the tool is upgraded further, the knockback effect becomes so powerful that firing it at a normal-sized enemy that is anywhere near a web-able surface in the opposite direction of the player by a range of 10 meters would instantly result in a knockout. The improved ensnarement can also serve to push foes off rooftops, but this purpose is better served by the Concussive Blast.

The Impact Web can deploy a blast that causes the initial target to spread the web to any other enemies they come into contact with.

Web Bomb: Upon detonation, the Web Bomb explodes webs that trap nearby enemies. It is incredibly useful in big fights. Throwing a Web Bomb into large groups of enemies can tie up more than one of them, rendering them unable to fight back - and when enemies are covered in the web, the option to spin them around and launch them into others becomes hugely advantageous.

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