Chapter 9: Time To Leave

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Sorry for not posting in ages, I totally forgot about my story 😳 but here is the next chapter. 

-------2 weeks later-------

The Weasleys and the Potters laughed and chattered as they gathered around the dinner table for their last night together before the kids went off to school. They had a big, hearty meal that left everyone too stuffed to speak, so they didn't. Instead, they sat on plush couches around the warm, blazing fire and read books to help them fall asleep. There had been so much excitement before dinner, but now that everyone was quiet Emily grew nervous. She thought back to Diagon Alley where Molly had suggested she might not be in Harry's house, and she worried that she wouldn't be able to make any friends without him. It hadn't even occurred to her to be worried about it until then. Even if they weren't the friendliest of siblings, Harry knew Hogwarts better than she did and he could show her the ropes. Without him, she didn't know how she would survive.

Her brain was swarming with possibilities of having no friends, not doing well in classes, or worst of all, not even being able to do magic! What if I'm terrible at magic? She thought. Harry had done unusual things before he found out he was a wizard, but she couldn't remember a time when she had done anything at all that suggested she was a witch, even if it was by accident. She didn't even want to go anymore.

It eventually got late, and everyone slowly retreated up to their rooms. Ginny went with Ron upstairs, and soon Harry and Emily were the only people left. Emily waited for him to leave, but Harry stayed curled up on the couch, a book in his hand, staring at the fire.

'Are you okay?' Emily asked, standing from her spot on the floor and going to sit next to him.

'Yeah, I'm fine, just a bit worried about what Dobby said. How about you?' He turned to face her but she avoided eye contact.

'I'm good,' she muttered, trying to push the negative thoughts out of her mind.

'No, you're not. Something's wrong, I can tell,' he squeezed her arm.

'I'm fine. I'm just nervous, that's all. I'm worried I won't be able to do magic,' she sobbed. She was getting very tired, and it was messing with her emotions. 'What if I'm not in Gryffindor? How will I survive without you or Ginny?' she realised as she said this that as much as she wanted to hate Ginny, she was secretly enjoying her companionship.

'You'll be fine, just as long as you stay away from Malfoy. And unless you're in Slytherin, which I'm positive you won't be, you'll make friends. Everyone else is nice.' He gave her a sympathetic look before standing. 'We better get some sleep, otherwise tomorrow will not be fun.'

-------The next morning-------

'EVERYONE GET UUUP!!!!' Emily was awoken with a start by Molly's booming voice reverberating around the house. When she opened her bleary eyes, she saw Ginny sitting on the edge of her bed, tying her shoes. She was dressed in a yellow zip-up jumper and jeans and had her hair loose over her shoulders.

'Get up sleepy head, it's almost 10 o'clock!' Emily sat up straight. 10 o'clock? She had way overslept. She only had around 20 minutes to get ready before the taxis came. It would take them a while to get there because muggle taxis are a lot slower than magic transport. She jumped out of bed and immediately started getting dressed. She pulled on some white jeans and a blue sweater. She tied the laces of her sneakers just as Ginny finished packing her backpack.

'Wow, you're quick!' she giggled, watching Emily rush around the room and gather everything she brought to the burrow. Pearl, who had been sleeping on the end of her bed, opened one eye to see what the noise was about. She meowed loudly, furious that her slumber had been interrupted. Once Emily had stuffed everything into an old trunk Arthur had lent her, she scooped Pearl into her arms and rushed out the door with Ginny.

Breakfast was toasted crumpets, which weren'teaten at the table, but rather as they walked down the long driveway to theedge of their property where the taxis would pick them up. The 2 black vehicleswere 5 minutes late; which was "typical muggle behaviour," according to Molly.They crammed their trunks in the back and piled inside. The girls, Molly andHarry went in one, the rest of the boys in the other. After her talk withHarry, (and a good sleep), she felt a lot better about going to school and wasbuzzing with excitement the entire drive there. Pearl sat in her lap, meowingwhen the chatter got too loud. Emily found that playing with her soft fur helped with the nerves. 

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