2. Studious Janggeu

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Ban Janggeu.

She is a lot of things. One moment she is a girl immersed in her piles of paperworks, another moment she is a girl deep into her "books." One could say then that she is studious. Although that was true... in spirit. The reality was quite far from it.

She doesn't have time, yes.

She's busy.

She's busy trying to get herself together. She's trying and trying so hard, failing each time. She never told anyone about it, just that she is busy. Who would hear her cries anyways? The last time she did, she was told that she wasn't trying hard enough. That she was just being lazy.

The amount of times she cried over not getting shit done. The amount of times she cried because her body feels stuck and frozen wallowing in thoughts at the same time her brain telling her, "Do it. Just do it!" But still not being able to do a single thing.

It was like you are perfectly fine but at the same time you aren't fine.

It doesn't quite make sense to others, and it also doesn't for Janggeu making her frustrated.

The brief relief she had, a break from her own thoughts would be through her "books." Fanfiction counts as books right? Contrary to what Brix believes, Janggeu does lurk on the internet, and the only reason she does are those books. Those books that feeds her brain, escaping her reality even for just a moment. Wishing her reality was quite different, or that things would turn out like how she wanted it to be like those female protagonists known as Y/N. Make herself delulu as Gen-Z's would say. Delulu is the solulu, only on short-terms. On long-term however, she had to break out of her "deluluness" and get back to all that she needed to do. It was actually quite a miracle that she would pass her subjects. She was quite lucky that she was gifted with her genius brain as Brix would call it. She doesn't study properly. Not because she was being lazy or that she doesn't want to, but because she lost all the motivation and life to do so. Still, she wanted to live. She wanted to get her shit together because it was the only way she could live her life.

Hence, why she was on her way to the Min café with her laptop and study materials in her backpack.

The last time she went there was with Brix. Brix had introduced the café and Janggeu had liked its vibe.

Maybe a change of atmosphere was just what she needed to be more productive in life.

She trudged in the café, earphones in her ear, feeling the music coming out of the tiny devices, intentionally picking a song that would hurt and trigger her feelings, hoping that the song would wake her up.

Where you going? It's hard to keep up.

You're moving so fast leaving me behind.

Give me an hour that's all I need.

It's now or never, I'm running out of time.

The seconds are relentless, I'm helpless as they keep flying by.

Stuck here in the desert, I feel like I'm in an hourglass.

Maybe I can stay and be comfortable living in the past.

But I don't want to be alone, so can you take me to you now.


"Huh? Oh yes." She hurriedly looked at the menu posted at the wall, noticing something different.

Oh? It wasn't there the last time we went here. If it was, she would have ordered that instead of Brix's beloved croissant.

"It's new today so it really wasn't there yesterday or any other day before that." Janggeu looked at the guy at the counter, Yeonju (as his name tag says, not that Janggeu would remember that anyways) with wide eyes.

Did I say that outloud?

Yeonju chuckled, seemingly amused as Janggeu cursed under her breath for making a fool of herself yet again.

"One blueberry cheesecake and one matcha latte please." Janggeu hurriedly recite her order not wanting to do or say something ridiculous again.

"Please wait for your order by the next counter and do give feedbacks about our Blueberry cheesecake as it determines its spot in our menu! Have a nice day at Min Café!"

Oh crap. Should I have ordered something else? I don't want to have human interaction more than I have to...

"You can also just write your feedback on a piece of paper or napkin, then leave it on the table!" Janggeu hurriedly put a hand over her mouth as the guy spoke, cursing her mouth for letting out words without permission.

"Uhh... Yeah thanks." She awkwardly said, walking towards the farthest seat, beside a window with her order.

A few minutes have passed, and it is safe to say that her speculations were correct. The change of atmosphere did have an effect on her overall productivity. She had already finished 3 essays, a big difference to none. She hadn't even took a bite of her blueberry cheesecake.

Sighing, she closed her laptop, deciding that her productivity today is more than enough. She took the fork and finally pierced through the smooth blueberry cheesecake – a great reward for a great day of work.

"Oh!" Janggeu uttered, a surprised expression evident on her face. Her eyes were shimmering as she kept looking at the sweet treat with wide eyes.

"This is the best cheesecake I've ever had!" Her mind exclaimed. More reasons to come back to this café then!

Janggeu kept humming in delight, as she savored the dessert in front of her. Where have you been all my life?

*Ting!* Her phone chimed, indicating a text message.

"Where have you been?" it said, followed by numerous spams of her friend, none other than the Australian beauty, Brix.

"Oh shoot!" Janggeu cursed out, forgetting their appointment to the nail salon that Brix begged her multiple times. She kept bailing and 'forgetting' the previous ones and now that her clear avoidance of the appointment became evident, she can no longer excuse herself from it.

She hurriedly packed her things, drinking the last of her matcha latte, totally forgetting about leaving a feedback on the cheesecake recipe, speed walking out the door, with a promise of return to the cozy place called Min Café.

Hello Everyone!

How's everyone doinggggg??

Janggeu's Intro and a new character named Yeonju 👀👀

Do you guys think he'll have a huge role in this story??? 


anywaysssss i hope everybody is enjoying this storyyyy i figured that this could be kind of a slow burn sooooo i hope it wouldn't be too slow for you guys lol


Gongjoo <3

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