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Hi, I'm Kyra... but people think it is spelled Kira but it's spelled like Kyra not Kira so spell it Kyra or I'm coming for you and if they don't know how to spell it than they have childhood trauma that traumatized them so much that now it is affecting them as an adult by giving them debt and not finding a job that they truly like and enjoy.... But apparently I have anger issues that I'm not aware of but idk..., I know it's not true because every year I give out 5 million dollars to homeless shelters, pet shelters and so much more orphanages that make me super duper happy!... UwU....

       The thing is that when I was a kid people made fun of me a lot because of my anime addiction and my short  UwU anime hair and the thing was that affected me deeply but I hope I find true friends one day that will love me as a mother with her precious baby that she held in her stomach for 9 months but of course the baby had to be a week behind its due date and caused that mother pain and suffering, all day and all night but when the baby finally came out she loved it more than anything in the world...... *goo goo gaa ga-*

       Oh how I am lonely and wishing for a friend but I'm in Vegas, gambling my money away even though I'm just 14 because I will never know if people will love me for who I am..... except for my dog.... I feel like theirs someone out there who likes anime, dogs, emo, tomboy and isn't like the other girls. Cause we all know that if we want to fit in with the crowd we first have to fit out with the crowd.....

But for now I'm happy and they are losers who will probably end up in a mental institution for all that bullying. Plus what hurts us, heals us. Cause just like jojo siwa said and I quote 'won't let the haters get their way' cause all of those bullies are haters and weirdos. They are just
a bunch of people who have no lives. Anyways they are ugly on the inside.

       If anyone was wondering my favorite fruit is blueberry's and love blue haired people.., it always seemed to make me happy to see people being quirky and happy to be who they are and maybe someday I'll find a blue haired person to love but for now I'm just waiting. My sister said my whole love life had really changed my attitude but I don't care because I am just wait for true love and I don't care how long it takes to find true love because I have my whole life ahead of me and I have my dog and family with me! What more can a girl want and ask for life a totally fantastic life that I'm totally not gatekeeping it hehheheheh.

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