Chapter 5

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*Author's Note: welcome back to another great chapter. If you forget, Dominic is Daffy, Brayden AND newly introduced as Shadow Knight as well is Bugs, Speedy is Captain Sergio Gomez, Rody is Roadrunner, Wyatt is Wile E Coyote, along with newly introduced characters with Theo as Tweety and Shawn as Sylvester. Enjoy. 😊

Once he got Central Avenue street, he pulled into an alleyway, where he saw a stereotypical dark jacketed hooded man smiling evilly at him as if he had already committed a crime.

With the possibility of the mystery suspect believing that he could also get away with something horrible that is about to happen to anybody who stood in his way.

Including Dominic, who then got out of his car and pulls out his gun in defense.

"Freeze! Drop your weapon!" Dominic yelled out as hard rain from the sky soon fell onto the both of them. 

Like a drama crime show where the hero is against the villain in a battle fight.

"Or what? Is the cop going to arrest me now?" The suspect asked, in mockery.

"I said, drop your weapon. Leave it on the ground now and put your hands up where I can see them." Dominic ordered angrily, with his teeth gritted in anger the jerk's obnoxious talk.

"Ha! And why would I do that? Cops like you should know better than to think that only a fool would surrender to a blue blood. Now me, I always like to see how they can put up a good fight before I even think about turning myself in. Say your prayers, rookie." The criminal declared, initially placing his finger on the end pull of the gun.

"W..wait! Don't!" Dominic yelled out while covering himself in preparation for the bullet to strike.

Until different sound was heard in a smack effect like a punch to the face.

"Ack!" The suspect reacted from a sudden hit surprise to the back before quickly falling to the floor in a slump.

"Pant. I'm...I'm still alive?....oh thank goodness." Dominic breathed out in relief once he looks over to see that the suspect was taken down, neutralized.

"Are you okay?" A mystery voice asked him from behind.

"...yeah I think I am. Thank y-..." Dominic was going to say turning around, until he noticed that the Good Samaritan was a familiar fugitive and called him out.

"You! Hold it there mister! You're wanted everywhere in this city. And I'm afraid I'll have to take you in." Dominic stated while pointing his gun at the masked man.

But oddly enough.

The guy never spoke a word in reaction.

He didn't even put up a fight.

Instead, he just simply stood there as if he was waiting for Dominic to pull the next move.


Not only did he chose to be silent, but he is also presenting himself to be defenseless.

What exactly are you planning here?

Dominic thought suspiciously, believing that the vigilante was up to no good.

Until suddenly, the mystery caper spoke in a voice that seemed to be unrecognizable.

"If you had a choice to serve justice on your own terms, would you do it?" Shadow Knight spoke in a monotone.

"What?" Dominic asked, confused.

A shadowed heartbeat (Looney Tunes Human AU) Where stories live. Discover now