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Adora's POV

I'm woken up by Vernie, who puts my glasses on me.

"It's time to wake up, princess."

"but im sleepy." I take out the pacifier from my mouth.

"I know you are but nap times over."

I get up to use the bathroom. I'm so glad I didn't have any nightmares. Maybe a story was all I needed. I haven't been sleeping very well lately so I've been so tired. I sit back down on the bed. I love this room, it's so cute. I can't believe I've never seen it before. I eat the rest of my McDonald's that I think Vernie brought up here. I look into the happy meal, all that's left is trash. I feel guilty for eating that much.

I remember when Marina would get me McDonald's. She used to reward me for being good..

"How was class, bunny?" She buckles me into the car and gives me a kiss on my cheek.


"Did you finish that essay?"

"teacher say was really super good."

"Well I'm happy your professer liked it."

Marina drives to a McDonald's drive thru, after she's done ordering she hands me a happy meal.

"thank you mommy!!"

"You're welcome bunny."

That was one of the only times she was good to me. I don't know what happened to her, I always felt like it was my fault that she did those things to me, at least that's what she told me. I remember it like it was yesterday..

"What the fuck are you crying for?"

"i-i don wan touch!" I could barely talk because i was sobbing.

"Look at what you have on, not my fault you're just fucking asking for it."

I was only in a dress.

I wipe away my tears in real time. Kiara comes in and sits down beside me, she rubs my back and I lean my head against her arm.

"You okay baby?"

I nod.

"I'm always here if you want to talk. It will make you feel better if you do."


"Why not?"

"be-because its terrible."

I havent even told my journal about what Marina did to me. Only she and me know. I don't think Kiara and Vernie would ever look at me the same way if I told them what happened.

"I promise you I'll always be here for you. I hope one day you'll open up to me, but you don't have to."

After a few minutes of silence I stop crying. I'm so sensitive and I wish I wasn't. I cry every day for the smallest things. Maybe I'm just tired. After a few minutes Kyro comes into the room and I pet his head as he rests it on my knees. I wonder what it would be like if I was him for a day. No stress or classes. He's so lucky. Kiara gets a phone call and gives me a kiss on the forehead before leaving me and Kyro. I stand up and look out the window to see her driving off. I wonder where she's going without me.

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