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                     In a swampy twist of fate, Shrek found himself face-to-face with Donald Trump, who had stumbled into the bayou while searching for the "best" wetlands to develop. Shrek, amused by Trump's pompadour and bombastic boasts, decided to play a trick on the unsuspecting mogul.

         As Trump began to monologue about his "tremendous" deals and "fantastic" wall, Shrek snuck up behind him and let out a mighty roar, causing Trump to jump into the nearby mud. The ogre couldn't resist bursting into laughter at the sight of Trump's mud-caked hair and suit.

         Trump, enraged and embarrassed, challenged Shrek to a "big league" wrestling match. Shrek, confident in his ogre strength, agreed. The two engaged in a hilarious and chaotic battle, with Shrek using his signature moves like the "Ogre Slam" and "Swamp Stomp." 

        Just as Shrek was about to emerge victorious, Trump pulled out a can of "Trump-Brand Hair Spray" and used it to immobilize Shrek's swampy locks. Seizing the opportunity, Trump declared himself the "winner" and began to brag about his "yuge" victory.

      Shrek, unfazed and still chuckling, used his mighty flatulence to blow Trump's hairpiece off his head, revealing a gleaming bald spot. The ogre then declared, "I may not be the most refined, but at least I'm not a 'fake' like your hair!" 

        As Trump stormed off, muttering about "fake news" and "SAD!" Shrek couldn't help but grin, knowing that sometimes a little bit of swampy humor was the best way to deal with the absurdity of it all.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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