People looked at Jamie in fear, butKlaus aggressively growled back. His siblings were surprised, before Freya mentioned about Klaus having his wolf tendencies. Right now Henrik and Hope had eyes mirroring their mother's on the scream, daring any of them to open their mouths. Teddy and Remus had their wolf eyes out while the Blacks had a glare with a hint of crazy present. Tom look unimpressed with anybody who was about to open their mouthes

"How would you get rid of the body?" Klaus asked, curious.

Jamie didn't answer, she turned her head and blew out a black smoke and it entered the man, "Rise," she said. The man suddenly stands up, but had a dazed look.

"Bloody hell," Klaus gasped.

"Cool!" Kol exclaimed while students echoed onscreen Klaus' statement.

"As I said, Peverells are necromancers. I had to charm a ring Tom wears so when his sanity slips so that piece of information won't escape his mind.," Jamie explained, "This is more possession than bringing them back to life," she adds, looking back at the man.

"But I hear his heart beat," Klaus noticed.

Jamie shrugged, "I can either have him run out in front of car, make his heart stop beating, or give him to you for food," she listed.

"Can it work on vampires?" Klaus asked.

"Wanna find out?" Jamie asked, wiggling her eyebrows as she smirks.

Before Klaus could answer, he heard footsteps and then a scream, he sped over and snatched the woman that didn't know wrong place wrong time, "I'll take the next one," he said and turns to the woman, "You won't scream," he compelled, extended his fangs and bit into the woman. When he finished, she was dead. A black smoke fell into the women's mouth and she stood up again, wound closing up, "At least you aren't a messy eater," Jamie comments.

"That's always good," Jamie comments.

She points at the man, "You, get hit by that incoming car, and you," she turned to the woman, "Stop your heart," she commanded both of them. Klaus watched as the man waited before running out and flew over the top of the car as the woman got paler and paler before falling over. "Wow," was all he could say before turning back and saw Jamie was looking at him with a hungry look in her eyes. Before he could say anything, she pounced on him, pressing her lips to his, and the two were making out along the side of the building.

The Scooby Gang were worried. Jamie would be a big target to get rid of especially if she could control vampires. Henrik and Hope, however, avoided looking at the little moment of their parents on the screen—so did Tom, Jamie was practically his daughter, he wasn't looking.

"Shall move this somewhere else?" Klaus suggested, pulling away breathless for once.

"Mmhmm," Jamie responded, she was occupied moving to his neck. She started grinding on him and he knew they had to get out of there right at that moment. He threw her over his shoulder and sped back to the current place he was staying, sped inside and threw her on the bed, she magicked there clothes off and he pounced on her that time.

(Use your imagination. Go wild.)

"I'd rather not," most of the Mikaelsons and Blacks say.

The two lay in the now destroyed bedroom, side by side, staring at the ceiling, catching their breath.

"And that was how Henrik was made," Luna couldn't help but comment. Her cousins all started snickering except Henrik who looked miserable.

"The room will never survive with three of us going at it," Jamie mutters and the two start snickering. She turns on her side and rested her head on Klaus' chest, "Can I write my letters?" she asked.

"Yes, love, if you can walk," Klaus smirks. Jamie playfully slaps him on the chest and sits up with him, magically fixing her clothes. "It's late, what about him," he growled out the end.

"Hang on," she says, she mutters something and the ring she wore glowed, "He's currently stuck in the house with no contact with the outside world. I can obliviate him when I get there," Jamie shrugged.

Liam looked offended. No one cared. Some actually laughed.

"I'm going to assume that is a memory charm," Klaus spoke, turning around as he put on his pants, feeling the eyes on his behind.

"Mhmm," Jamie hummed, she tried to get up and immediately fell back on the bed. Klaus started chuckling, "Shut up," he hears, and then he has the urge to do so.

Jamie, seeing his confused face, smiles, "I guess that actually works, you're an Original and suppose to be a hybrid, it'll not work as well on you," she says, summoning the smoke that comes out of Klaus back into her hand. Klaus didn't know whether to be angry or pleased to know it worked on him and will work on other vampires, "I won't use it on you unless you need to listen to me. I promise. I just wanted to see if it would work," she told him. Klaus calmed down and picked Jamie up and carried her to his painting room.

"Ohhhh, are these your paintings?!" Jamie asked, getting excited.

Klaus groaned and Jamie cackled.

"Yes, these are my paintings," Klaus said with a smile. She was put down in front of the window where she could get a view of most of the paintings, "What do you think?" Klaus asked, coming back with a three pieces of paper.

"I like the ones of me," she cheekily said.

Jamie agreed with her statement.

Klaus won't admit that he blushed and cursed himself out for forgetting to hide those but, you know, he got distracted. "Ooooo, who's that?" she asked, pointing the painting of the pale man with the red leather jacket.

"It was a dream, or a vision, and I saw him..." Klaus trailed off, the two started staring at the painting, "You think he might be Death?" he asked his lover.

"I have a feeling he might be. My father and uncle are being petty little shits and not telling me what he looks like and my mother is too amused to tell me," Jamie said. She looks away and takes the paper. She very quickly writes on each paper, explaining in each one about the plan and that she had met Klaus and for them to send letters there. A few owls were waiting nearby and Klaus opened the window to let them in. Jamie wrote names on the letters, 'Padfoot & Reggie', 'Moony', and 'Wormtail' on each letter and sent them off.

"The letters are going to be sent back here. Let me know when they appear," Klaus nodded, "I do have one other question..." Jamie trails off.

"And that is?"

"Can I have your mother's grimoire with that curse in it?"

"Give it to her," Finn and Kol hissed out.

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