Chapter Six

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"Where is Snape now?" Klaus asked as the two walked out. He still wanted to kill the man.

"Still do," Klaus muttered, looking the exact person who seemed to be hiding form his gaze.

"Tom knows what happened and had convinced my cousin's husband into get him to join the 'Death Eaters' which is ran by 'Voldemort'. When all this goes down, the mark everyone has can be taken off, Snape's won't and everyone else will be declared innocent," Jamie explained, she really liked that plan.

Aurors shrugged in agreement while Snape looked shocked. Lucius just gave him a blank look before putting a protective arm around Narcissa. He would fool Snape again if it meant he wasn't near Narcissa. Draco also glared in his direction, a protective hold on his mother's hand. Rebekah had looked disgusted at Snape's actions before and now had a protective hold on her daughter. Rebekah knew she wasn't one to talk but she really did not do anything like to Marcel. Granted he was forced to keep her company under compulsion and tried to turn him against Nik but she never touched him inappropriately.

"Why hasn't Tom killed him?" Klaus asked, from what he gathered, Tom was basically Jamie's uncle.

"Because Snape has another Master named Dumbledore and thinks he's a spy," Jamie told him, smirk returning to her face as she continued, "There are these things called dementors, they are these wraiths that roam the magical prison and suck the happiness out of prisoners and can kill them by sucking out there souls. They don't take orders unless it's from a Peverell. Snape goes there, I show up, give the order, bye-bye Snivellus," and Klaus couldn't help but smirk back as they headed to his car.

There was a thud. Snape passed out.

"We'll pretend murder wasn't discussed," the Aurors said.

"Can there be torture?" Klaus asked.

Jamie scoffed like she can't believe he suggested it, "Of course. You won't be affected by dementors soon and can come with. I can show you some curses Potters have. One makes rusty nails sprout of the skin all over. And when I say all over, I mean all over," she said.

Then, Klaus heard the tired sigh from Jamie, he noticed she had looked tired, "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Do you need to feed?" she suddenly asked.

Jamie started hiding behind Klaus' arm.


"Just would you be able to feed right now?" she asked again.

"I could, why?" Klaus asked, he had made sure to have a blood bag so he would just be focused on Jamie the whole night, but he wasn't against having more blood. That and his curiosity was getting to him.

Jamie turns her head and walks by the nearby bar, "Hey, pretty lady want company?" a man called out. Klaus growls, but follows behind as Jamie smirks at the man and signaled for him to follow. The stupid human eagerly follows behind and Klaus turns the corner to see Jamie pinning the man against the wall, eyes completely black except her glowing green irises, hand holding the man by the neck against the wall. The man was convulsing against the wall. His veins in his neck turning black and looked like it was flowing into Jamie's arm causing her veins to blacken and her hands turned the same shade of black. Suddenly she gasps and drops the man and turns to face the surprised Original, "Peverells also had to hide because we do that. We act very dementor like, that's why they like us," she explained, a bit nervous as to how he would react.

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