We finished our meals and got ready for bed, "Where do you want me to sleep?" I asked while rubbing my eyes.

"Well, we only have two small tents. Ooh, I got an idea! How about you two love birds sleep in the same tent together and Ash and I can sleep in the other one."

My face turned bright red, "W-What! No way! Not if you're gonna say it like that."

"Well, then you two can figure something out. As for myself," She yawned and stretched her wings along with her arms, "I'm gonna hit the hay."

Ash and her happily crawled in their tent leaving Victor and me sitting at the table, "So, uh... What do you want to do?" I nervously asked.

"Whatever you're comfortable with, I can sleep by the fire if you want."

"No! You can't! That'd make me feel so selfish and spoiled. I mean, I don't mind sleeping with you, it's just that it bothers me that they'll know I'm sleeping with you."

"Stubborn or self-conscious?" He smirked.

"Neither! It's just that... well, I don't know how to describe it."

"Welp, I'm tired so you better choose soon or I'm gonna fall asleep here."

"Fine, fine! We can sleep together. But you gotta sleep as far away as possible!"

"Oh, but you were okay with falling asleep in my arms last night?"

"Well, that was on accident, it's different."

"Okay, let's go to bed."

We entered the tent and picked our sides. There were luckily a lot of blankets so we didn't have to share. I wrapped myself up in a few blankets and made myself a comfy sleeping nest. I laid my head down and fell asleep within seconds.

When I woke up, I felt something warm against my body, "W-What are you doing, Victor? Didn't I tell you?" I blushed and let out a soft moan as I felt its grip tighten, "I-If Vallory saw this, she'd never let me live it down."

"What do you mean silly!" I heard the voice of Vallory from under the blankets, "I'm the one snuggling you!" She giggled and tightened her hug more.

"Wha-What! Why are you in here? I thought you had your own tent!"

"Well, I do but I wanted to spy on you two last night to watch you cuddle. But, I saw you were being lame so I decided to step in cause, honestly, I needed some affection. It's been so long since we snuggled like this!"

"I don't think we ever did..."

"See! That's way too long without affection." She groggily pulled herself out from under the covers, "So! On today's agenda, we gotta get you two trained. Isn't that right, Victor?!"

"What?" a tired voice came from the other side of the tent.

"He's ready! Okay, I'm gonna take you on an adventure and Ash is gonna take him on an adventure. Hopefully, by the end of the day, both of you improve your skills and we can take out the Blight together! Alright, let's go!" Vallory grabbed my hands and pulled me out of my comfy nest.

"Can't I get ready first?!" I shouted as she pulled me out of the tent.

"Nope! A good soldier is always ready!" She let go of my hands and grabbed me by the armpits.

"What's going on?!" I tried to shake off my morning drunkenness.

"I haven't tried this before so let's hope it works out!" Her wings started to flap and we quickly ascended.

"Are you crazy?! Put me down!" I screamed in fright while closing my eyes and digging my claws into her gauntlets.

"I thought you wanted to fly? What's the big deal?"

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