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27th December 1971

Natalie apparated in front of Lestrange Manor.

The black iron gates were looming in the distance like they were almost shielding her from the horrors inside.

Her siblings were back at her own manor;she was only here to see Bellatrix's initiation to the 'death eaters'.

Natalie had warned her many times but Bellatrix hadn't listened,so here she was watching her best friend devoting her life to a dark wizards cause.

Natalie sighed softly before walking toward the iron gates.

She walked right into them and the wards let her in.Bellatrix had made sure that the first person who was signed into the gate was Natalie,before her own family.

It was like the gates had dissolved into black smoke and Natalie walked on the path before she was greeted by a house elf.

"Floppy will take Miss Malfoys coat?"The house elf said,"Then Floppy will take Miss to the meeting room."

Natalie silently handed her coat to the house elf,as she closed her eyes and occluded.

Her mind was a library;memories with every person became books,books became shelves,shelves became sections,some restricted,some not.

Natalie's grey eyes were cold and emotionless when she opened them.

"Should Floppy take Miss Malfoy to the meeting room now?"

Natalie simply nodded.

When Natalie finally got into the meeting room,the long,mohagany table was filled with Purebloods.

Her Pureblood friends.
Corban, Bella, Rudolphus, Rabastan, Gillian, Carson.The list could go on and on.

She could feel the eyes on her.

The person sat the end of table spoke. "A Malfoy I presume?"It was a cold,snakelike voice and Natalie almost flinched.

Helena and Abraxas had taught her how to behave in these sort of presences.

Calm and controlled.

"Yes,My Lord,"

The man's eyes flashed red and Natalie realised that her occulmency walls were going to be forced open.

She pushed them up higher.and made them stronger.

"Another person to join our great cause,"He said softly,still forcing her walls.

Then it stopped.The pressure of the force.

"Take a seat,"

"Thank you,My Lord,"Natalie murmured,her head bowed as she sat in the closest chair to her,which happened to be next to Bellatrix.

Bellatrix stood up from next to her,getting her attention quickly.

"And now your task,"The Dark Lord said,after dismissing the rest of the death eaters.

The 7th Year Slytherins stood in a tight circle.

The friendgroup in their usual places.
Only one change.

𝚁𝚎𝚍 𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚎 ➪ 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜 {𝟷}Where stories live. Discover now