15th November 1971

"Who wants to prank Severus?"Sirius said at lunch,sitting next to Peter.

"Me,"James said,from next to Lucia.

"I know a good prank to play on that greasy haired,slimeball,"Lucia added.

"Go on then,"

"We sneak into Slytherin common room-"

"Hold on how do we do that?"Remus asked.

"My brother,"Lucia waved her hand,"Anyway,you know how greasy his hair is right?Let's put shampoo in his room so it drops on his hair.He has to wash it.And BAM!His hair isn't greasy anymore."

"Hold on,"said Peter."How are you so certain that he'll wash his hair?"

Lucia stared at him,shocked.She hadn't thought of that.

"I- I mean he never probably has?"

"Oh,I'll make sure he washes it,"Sirius chuckled.

"When do you want to play it?"James asked.

"In about a week,"Remus said."We need to watch him and his timetable,so he doesn't catch us inside his dorm,"

Sirius pulled a face."That sounds wrong,"

Remus smacked Sirius' head.

"That hurt my brain!"Sirius cried out.

"What brain?"Peter asked.

Lucia snorted.

"While we're in there,we might as well mess up something,"

"Forget in a week,We'll do it at the next Quidditch match.The Slytherin v.s. Hufflepuff one,"

"My,my Sirius Black actually uses his brain,"Remus marvelled.

"He doesn't have a brain Remus!"Peter pointed out.

"That would mean that James doesn't have one either,"Sirius muttered.

James glared at him."I've got a suggestion.How about we prank this git instead?"

Sirius' jaw dropped"You can't turn my friends against me!"

"What friends?"

"Actually,"Lucia said."I'm with Sirius on this occasion."

"Traitor,"James said.

"Thanks?"Sirius asked.

"Ooh I have an idea,"Peter said giddily,"How about we stick all the furniture to the ceiling?"

"YES!"James said,a little too loudly,

"That's actually genius Peter!"Remus grinned.

"Hold on,"Lucia interrupted,"Does anyone know how to do a sticking charm?One that's not permanent?"

"And I thought you were smart,"James muttered.

It turned out that none of the 5 could do a temporary sticking charm.At all.

So all 5 had to go to the library.

"Ugh,"Sirius wailed."My head hurts.My dear friends.This is where I leave you!Worship my grave!"

"Stop being so dramatic!"Lucia scowled."You're coming with us.No excuses!"

Sirius huffed.

"We're looking for the Book of Spells for year 5,"Remus informed.

"Found it!"Peter yelled from the other side of the library.

The Librarian scowled at him and told him to shut up.

"That's done,"Remus sighed."Now we just need to practice it."

"Guys,"James whispered,"You might want to run?"

"James,what did you do?"Remus asked,looking back nervously at the librarian.

"Just get out of here."James hissed."We have 30 seconds."

"Dungbombs?"Sirius asked as they burst out of the library.

"Yeah,"James grinned.

"Well done," Lucia said,the smile fading from her face as she stepped backwards.

"Madame Pince,"Peter greeted.


Lucia glared at James.

"That's your fault!"

Oh my gosh
600 reads?
I literally cannot wait to write April (the month)
I have so much planned to.

What would you all want to see happen?

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