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'how dare we sit quietly, and watch the world pass us by,'
- the night is still young, nicki minaj

I didn't trust KG's driving, so when Nandi announced that she was hungry and KG offered to drive us to Mcdonald's, I opted to sit this one out. Not only that, my gut was telling me that I shouldn't get into that car at that moment, and I didn't want to ignore it.

I didn't think that my decision to stay would result in a debate as to who would stay behind with me, but once again, I was just watching as everyone was interacting. This was normal though, whenever I was in group settings, I always felt like I tended to fade in the background, but I didn't mind it. I never had much to say anyways.

We were outside, underneath the night sky, standing in the parking lot, opposite KG's car.

"So who's coming with me?" KG asked, and Rea and Palesa volunteered.

"I want to, but I'm going to stay behind with Liyana since she doesn't want to go," Nandi shrugged and I brushed my arm, feeling uncomfortable about her statement.

"We can't leave her alone, it's a girl thing," Palesa elaborated and I cleared my throat, wanting to crawl into the nearest hole in the ground.

KG eyed me down, and suddenly my eyes could not focus on one thing anymore. They went from the space between his eyebrows, to his Adam's apple to the gold chain around his neck.

"Let's go," KG said but before they could get into the the car, Andile emerged from the house with Warona and the other boy.

"Where are you guys driving to?" he asked KG.


Andile meandered through the girls to stand next to me, I bit the inside of the cheek whilst trying to meet Palesa's eye to see if she was seeing this, but Palesa was preoccupied with her phone. A small frown was hanging on her face as she typed away.

I raised an eyebrow, wondering what it was about.

I felt Andile nudge me with his elbow.

"What?" I questioned, whilst trying to meet his eyes.

"Are you going with?" he looked down at me and I shrugged, trolling.

"Yeah, I might," I lied.

"But why would you go if I'm here, though?" he cocked his head to the side and I felt my heart do a somersault.

He wanted me to stay.

"No thanks, I'm sure Warona will gladly keep you company though," I smiled.

Andile raised an eyebrow and I fought the urge to laugh. I did not know what was happening at this moment. It felt weird but I didn't particularly hate it.

"I'll text you," Palesa said as she got into the car with Rea in the passenger seat and her in the backseat.

"Let's go inside," Nandi said and I followed, my mind still hazy from my interaction with Andile.

It was just Nandi and I in the house now, the boys remained standing outside.

"The host is wearing a Travis Scott t-shirt," she smiled mischievously, "I'll get it from him by the end of the night. Boys are easy, dare me."

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