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'you're asking "will he be the one?"; i'll be gone before you're done tonight'
- tumblr girls, g-eazy

The first time I realised that I wasn't much of a social person was in grade 8 when our high school used to host socials. The thought of going to a social pained me because I knew that I would rather be at home, reading a book or merely just journaling instead.

Years followed, and my preference for being indoors with the people I loved the most never changed, so when Nandi texted me, saying that Rea invited us to a games night, I wanted to scream.

are we going?

I texted Palesa, hoping that tonight she wanted to be a homebody just like me. Usually, she was but the text I received, had me wondering if my friend had really changed after being at Res, for only a week.

let's go.

but i don't like playing games.

I frowned whilst texting her, a little disappointed that she wanted to be a social butterfly two nights in a row.

it's just to bond with other people at res. what's the worst that could happen?

Words could not describe what reading those words did to me. I felt my ears burn in frustration and honestly, I could have chosen to not go, but I was already feeling like Palesa was getting closer to Nandi and if I were to sit this one out, they might end up being a trio with Rea whilst I just faded in the sidelines.

okay. come to my room when you're done getting ready.

An hour later, Palesa showed up to my door with Nandi.

"Let's go. Rea is waiting for us there," Nandi said.

I exited my room, locked the door and walked next to Palesa.

"Which unit are we going to?" Palesa asked Nandi.

Nandi did not reply. Instead she giggled, and made an expression that spoke volumes.

This games night was definitely not at res.

"Hai, Nandi. Where are we going?" Palesa raised her eyebrows.

At this point, I did not even want to say anything. I was slightly annoyed but my annoyance wasn't going to help in this situation. Instead, I bit my bottom lip and waited for her to elaborate because maybe we were just going to the res that was 5 minutes away.

"Listen, Rea went to her shoot earlier on, and she told me that her friends there are hosting a games night, and we can come. She even sent us the location."

Personally, I did not want to be in a place that was probably littered with cool kids. I was already self-conscious as it was, so to go to a place that had more 'Rea's' kind of nerved me out.

Regardless, I found myself requesting an uber to an estate I was hearing about for the first time.

"Guys, I promise you it's going to be a chill thing," Nandi assured us as we got into the uber.

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