Can A Beetle Handle The Heat?

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Three swift hard blows knocked Sunder back.


Five rapid punches—the last two uppercuts—sent Black Beetle falling back into the beach sand. It was remarkable that such a robust looking figure could move so swiftly. This was NRG unleashing all of Ben's rage.

He moved faster than an alien his size was supposed to in the containment suit. All that speed devoted towards reaching Black Beetle again.


"Where do you think you're going, Alien Boy?" Lobo asked with a chuckle, tackling Ben such that he staggered back a few steps. "The fun's just getting started!"

Lobo charged at Ben, casually deflecting Kara's punches as if they were nothing before throwing her aside into the sand.

"Out of my way, girlie! I'll deal with you later!"

A red hot blast of radiation burst forth from the three slits of NRG's oven-like containment suit. Lobo had zero reaction time before he was engulfed by the intense energy, tossing him with enough force that he was close to the water at the edge of the beach.

"Nice," said Lobo, despite the heat that made a hole in his attire, but did no further damage. He smirked as he rose to his feet. "Really nice! I see why you're so renowned!"

There was no respite for the heroes, however, as Black Beetle took the opportunity to launch missiles at the group.

NRG stood protectively before Kara, but it was the half silver half gold woman that jumped before him, her mechanical boots suddenly charging with electricity that surged all over her metallic body.

Incredibly, the electric charge converged on the golden side of Lady Ore, gradually gathering at her fist as she hurled forth her open palm.

A magnificent blast of electricity enveloped the incoming missiles, detonating them almost instantly, while throwing sand up into the atmosphere.

Lady Ore nodded at NRG, before charging at Sunder, who had eagerly burst through the dust cloud. Ben turned to Kara, helping her up—the Kryptonian female struggled slightly to rise to her feet—he noticed the blood dripping from her swollen lower lip.

"Kara, I have been around the blocks enough to know that Lobo guy is dangerous," said NRG, with his Russian accent. "And it seems they're after you, judging by what they said."

"D-Doesn't matter, I'm not going to back down from this fight!" retorted Kara, pushing him away. "That's not what my cousin would do!"

"I know," replied Ben, right before laser blasts cut through the still settling dust cloud, aiming mercilessly at Kara, only to be cut out by NRG's highly impervious armor. "Just be careful. That Beetle guy hurt two of my friends badly. One is currently fighting for her life at Plumbers HQ."

"O-okay. Thanks for the concern," standing firmly on her two feet before she hovered slightly above the ground beside NRG. "Let's take them down together."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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