10- Cell

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It was night again. Another day had passed where Hope's brothers hadn't made it back home. Another night meant more hours for her to get haunted by them in the dark. She wished she could simply fall asleep and wake up once her family was safely back home. She didn't want to think about the worst that could happen. That all of them would die and she'd be left all alone. That was a fate far worse than death.

Hope had promised Tara that she would actually try to sleep tonight. She kept her promise like she always kept every promise she made. She tried to sleep for hours, but couldn't stop her mind from wandering.

She'd spent most of the past night hovering around Ginny, trying to befriend her. Hope still wasn't sure how the girl felt about her. She seemed so different to everything and everyone around her. Like she moved through the world shrouded in fog. So, Hope figured she either tolerated her or considered her a friend, but she truly didn't know which one.

Hope started to drift off to sleep, but something shook her right awake. Someone was moving around in the room next to hers; Ginny's room. Hope jumped to her feet and slipped on her shoes as fast as possible. She snuck out of her room and carefully listened. The door knob rattled and Ginny cracked the door open. Then she tried to walk past Hope quickly, doing all she could to ignore her.

"Where are you going? We're not supposed to go anywhere at night," Hope spoke quietly. She didn't know why; it's not like Ginny would answer.

Ginny kept on walking, but Hope managed to snag her sleeve. At least she had managed to get her attention. Now she looked angry.

"I want to know where you're going, or I'm going to scream." It was a low threat, but what else could she do?

Ginny didn't answer and plucked at her flannel shirt. It was baggy on her, multiple sizes too large, it clearly didn't belong to her. That gave Hope her answer because Tara had made sure she was caught up on everything.

"You want to go to New York? To find Negan." She realized.

Ginny nodded.

Hope shook her head. That was just plain stupid. Hope also wanted to be there more than anything, but knew it was too dangerous for her. She also believed she was better equipped than this girl that wouldn't speak. "No, that's too dangerous," she whispered, not wanting to wake anyone up.

Ginny pulled away from her and continued to walk away. She was going to get there one way or another.

Hope sighed, resigning herself to the fact that she wouldn't be able to stop Ginny. "If you're going to do something that stupid, you're going to need supplies. Supplies and weapons."

The grainy television was on its fifth hour of constant use. Adam was deeply amazed by the story of a fish that had gotten separated from his father. The sound was garbled and the screen froze for a second from time to time. It didn't matter; this television was amazing. The people that had taken him away from home, maybe...

Maybe they weren't so bad.

He wasn't scared anymore. They didn't hurt him and hadn't been mean in any other way than keeping him locked up inside this room. They never let him go hungry and everything he ate tasted nice. Now with the television he even had something fun to do!

Of course he still wanted to go home. He missed his family. Yet this place wasn't so horrible. He could stick it out here a little longer. The Croat, who's name Adam thought to be strange, had promised it was only temporary and wouldn't be long before his parents would pick him up.

He just had to stay where he was and he would be safe and protected until then.

The movie ended and Adam turned the tv off. He would need another movie. He took the dvd out of the player and put it back into its case. He had to be extra careful with it because he was only borrowing it.

State of destruction- The Walking Dead [Alden x Maggie][2/2]Where stories live. Discover now