Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw poem 1

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In Hogwarts halls, where magic sways,
A Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw's love plays.
In corridors where whispers roam,
Their bond, a blend of heart and tome.

She, with wit that soars on high,
In Ravenclaw's tower, she does fly.
He, with loyalty like steadfast earth,
In Hufflepuff's embrace, finds his worth.

Yet troubles brew beneath the stars,
Their love tested by unseen scars.
For she seeks answers in books and scrolls,
While he finds solace in loyal goals.

Their minds diverge, their paths unsure,
As doubts and fears begin to stir.
But in each other's eyes, they find,
A love that's gentle, patient, kind.

Through conflicts fought and wisdom gained,
Their love endures, no longer strained.
For in the balance of heart and mind,
Their love, resilient, they shall find.

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