Chapter 2: Meeting more people

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Y/N woke up at exactly 6.00am and started her day. She got her equipments and starred working on the farm, occasionally stopping for some short rests in between.

"Whew, that should be all done for today. I should go meet the remaining residents i guess" Y/N cleaned herself up and walked towards the town centre

Along the way, Y/N picked up a few dandelions and plucked a few berries lying around before meeting a kid named Vincent.

"Hey kid" Y/N waved at him, smilling

"....Mom said I shouldn't talk to strangers....but you dont look like a bad person" The kid questioned, eyeing Y/N

"I'm new here, I live at the old fa over there, would you like some berries?" Y/N extended her palm filled with berries

"Wow! Thank you miss!" He beamed

Y/N walked along the kid who's name was Vincent and he showed her around the place and met Penny again along the way

"Good morning Y/N hope you slept well last night" Penny beamed

"I did although it was a little too quiet for me and I'm still not used to it..." Y/N sheepishly smiled, scratching the back of her head.

Penny and Y/N talked for a bit before Vincent pulled Penny away towards the Library

"The sisters you wanted to meet are just at the house behind you Y/N" Penny voiced out and gave a small wave before trailling behind Vincent.

Y/N walked up to the house that had a sun decoration above its door and knocked.

"Coming!" A voice could be heard from behind the door

The door then opens and a blue haired lady was seen from the door.

"Yes? You are?" The lady asked

"Ah! Well I wanted to drop by to introduce myself....i'm the new owner of the farm...I'm Y/N" I smiled

"Oh! You're the newcomer! It's so nice to meet you!" She beamed and gestured Y/N to come inside

"Please call me Emily, my sister Haley should be back soon. Would you like some tea or coffee?" Emily popped her head from the fridge

"Uhm....anything is fine really..." Y/N replied, feeling a little stiff

"Alright then! Tea it is!" Sounds of metal clinking each other can be heard from the kitchen as well as the rising aroma flowing through the room.

A few minutes later, someone slammed the door open and went straight into a room, closing the door as soon as they entered.

"Ah! That must be Haley" Emily chimed from the kitchen as she brought the tea to Y/N

"Thank you..." Y/N took a few sips before placing the cup in front of her.

Emily proceeded to knock Haley's door. The door opened and a streak of blonde hair can be seen from where Y/N had sat down

"Come greet the newcomer!" Emily tugged her sister's hand

"What? Who?" Emily stepped aside, revealing Y/N who sat awkwardly on the sofa, giving an awkward wave

"Aren't you that girl that bumped into me the other day?" Haley folded her arms, raising an eyebrow

"I-.....I am?" Y/N tilted her head in confusion.

"....Great. I'm sure you know my name" With that she closed the door, leeaving Emily standing there smilling a little awkwardly

"She's usually like that, dont mind her too much" She reassured

Y/N nodded and they both had a long conversation until it started getting dark. Y/N bid her goodbyes and went back home for the day.

However before leaving their house Y/N had left a small gift for them. She had left some berries for Emily and a single dandelion for Haley.

"Haley! They left a gift for you!" Emily called out from the living room

"I'll be there in a sec!" Haley bookmarked the last pages pf her magazine before leaving her room.

"Dandelion....? What a stupid gift...." She caressed the dandelion in her hands before putting it in a vase filled with water.

"We should prepare something for Y/N shouldnt we? As a welcome gift?" Emily turned to Haley

"....whatever" Haley went back into her room and falling asleep

"....*Sigh*....I suppose I'll think of something then" Emily went into her room.

Haley x Female farmer {Stardew Valley}Where stories live. Discover now