Chapter 2 - Sick Day

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AN: Aw I love these two sweet and fluffy lovebirds❤️❤️❤️ beware of some cuteness in this chapter❤️❤️❤️

"Achoo" Andy looks sleepily and completely exhausted at the alarm clock next to her on the dresser. About to get up, she closes her eyes again only to wake up 45 minutes later and reach for her cell phone. "Damn..." she dials Maya's number and waits until she gets through. "Maya...I can't make it to work today...I have a fever and must have caught a cold..." she says, barely audible. "Andy, if there's anything wrong call and let me know, everyone here will help you" Maya says and Andy clears her throat quietly, hangs up and falls back into bed. She opens the dresser drawer and tries to reach in with the last of her strength. With great effort, she takes out a clinical thermometer, puts it in her mouth and waits. As she almost dozes off, it beeps wildly, so Andy takes it out of her mouth to look at it. "40.1 degrees Celsius... that's great," she grumbles to herself and puts the thermometer away.

At the station, everyone has gathered in the beanery to have breakfast. Everyone is sitting at the table and eating when Sullivan lets his gaze fly through the crowd. "Does anyone know if Andy has been there yet?" The eyes are now on him, but everyone is just looking question marks in the air. "She's not coming today, she's ill. I'm standing in as captain for today," Maya announces as she also reaches the kitchen. "Wow, she must really be knocked out then!" says Vic as she eats her cornflakes. "Someone should check on her later, nothing else knocks Andy out so quickly." Travis looks worried and Warren smirks. "That's right, she'd come to work with cholera if she could stand."

Sullivan remains silent and says nothing to any of this, taking his empty bowl and giving Maya a 'come with me' look as he takes it away. The others just look for a moment and then continue talking while Maya disappears into the office with Sullivan.

"I'm sorry but she chose me as captain, I can't change that now," Maya says as she sits down in the captain's chair. "That's why I didn't want to talk to you." Sullivan's gaze carefully avoids Maya's, as if he wants to confess something to his teacher but doesn't dare.

Maya's left eyebrow goes up suspiciously but she doesn't ask any questions. She waits until Sullivan speaks and he looks at her cautiously again and again. "I wanted to ask...if I...if I can have today off ...." Bishop keeps a straight face. She can guess why he is asking and leaves it at no further questions. "OK" is the only thing she says and Sullivan nods in a completely uncomfortable way.

"But Robert....Andy is my best friend. I hope you take good care of her...." Her look is warning and you'd think she'd put a curse on him. Sullivan nods in understanding and finally leaves.

Robert tries to call Andy but she doesn't answer, which only worries him even more. When he arrives at her apartment, he rings the doorbell and knocks, but there is no response. He decides to unlock the door with the spare key he got from Vic, from the time she lived with Andy for all the days after the attack. He comes in, grabs the key in his pocket and looks around. "Andy!?" He doesn't see her in the living room or the kitchen. He goes on to her bedroom and finally sees her shivering and covered up in her bed. "Andy!" he goes to her and feels her head. "You're burning up..." he whispers worriedly and lovingly. "Have you taken any medicine yet?" he bends down to her and she barely visibly denies it. He goes straight to the fridge and smiles when he opens it and sees the pills. "still the same habit, huh?"

He goes back to her with the tablets and a glass of water. "" he gently tries to sit her up and hands her the glass, but she has no strength to take it, even let alone hold it. "" Robert tries to put the tablet in her mouth but she barely has the strength to take it when he has an idea. He sits her up a little more with a pillow to support her, puts the tablet in his mouth, takes a big sip of water and lovingly touches her chin to open her mouth a little. He kisses her to give her the pill with the water. Despite her weakness, she senses what he is doing and doesn't defend herself in any way, but just swallows everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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