All it said was
"Hey Atlas"
"I miss you."
What the fuck, what makes her think she can just text me that
*I threw my phone to the other end of the couch*
*I forgot to turn it off so it was just left on the text screen facing me but out of my reach to turn it off*
"What am I to do, do I text her back? "
I say out loud to myself.
*I crawl over and grab my phone*
I just sit there and look at it not know how to respond or if I even should.
I just turned it off leaving her on read, then just set my phone face down next to me and go back to watching TV.

"Hey, Atlas you gotta wake up buddy"
*My dad said to me as he was shaking me gently to wake me up*
Was all I said as a sat up from the couch
"Oh I must of fallen asleep I'm sorry dad"
It's okay buddy just gotta get up now or you'll be late"
* I nod to him and rush up stairs to get dressed then rush back down the stairs *
My dad was waiting by the door holding his keys
"Come on bud, I'll give you a ride to school"
"Alr let's go"
*I grabbed my bag and phone off the couch and hoped in the truck and he drove me to school*
* I get out and walk into school*
I didn't notice at first that Madison was behind me when I walked into school until she walked passed me, then that was when I remember about the text from last night. But just like the day before she just acted like I was invisible or smth
What is her deal?
First shes texting out of no where then acting like nothing happened at all and that I don't even exist.
Then mikey came up to me and said
"Hey dude what's up? "
"Well something happened last night"
"Oh what? Did you get laid or smth is that why you weren't responding? "
"What, no tf? Anyway Madison texted me last night. "
"Oh, well what did she say?"
*I took my phone out of my pocket and opened it to me and Madisons texts then showed him*
"Why didn't you respond to her?"
"It didn't feel right to yk?"
"Oh okay I get it, anyway let's just head to class now"
"Okay let's go"
*Mikey walked away*
*I was still just on my phone checking my snap*
*then I turned around to see Madison standing behind me*
"Madi? "
I said in a soft tone like I used to
But she just looked at me with a shocked look on her face as if she had just seen a ghost or something.
I didn't know what to do so I just walked away slowly.
And didn't look back.
I went through the rest of the day avoiding her but it felt like she was doing the same. So I wasn't sure what to do.
Then before I knew it, it was time to go home so I started walking home
And it was a pretty boring walk home I wasn't ranting about the break up or her to myself I was just walking and enjoying myself, it was very, Peaceful.

I little bit had past since I had gotten home and dad wasn't home so I figured he had gotten called into work or he had gone out or something I wasn't sure so I had just headed up to my room. I had sat my bag down by the side of my bed and went to my desk, I had sat down and just laid my head down and was on my phone for a little while.
Then something came over me and I had sat my phone down and looked to my right.
We're there was a opened and split bottle of pills, I sat up quickly and reached for the bottle I couldn't tell what kind of pills they were because the label had been ripped off so I had just gathers the 3 remaining pills that had been left on the table and put them back in the bottle and put the top back on. I then stood up and took a couple of steps back, then I heard the front door open and my dad walked in I had put the bottle under my bed then walked down stairs to great him, leaving my phone behind on my desk still
Dad had brought home pizza during his break so I sat with him and eat with him untill he had to go back on shift

A bit of time had passed and I had still been down stairs watching TV till I looked at the clock and realized that it was starting to get late so I headed up stairs and hopped in the shower then went to my room I got dressed then realized I hadn't checked my phone in a couple hours now so I picked it up excepting a text or a couple missed calls from Mikey or smth
But nope just a couple snap notifications and I thought that was it till I opened my phone and I saw that Madison had texted me again.
I opened it and it said
"Things haven't been the same without you Atlas."
God why won't she stop texting me.
I'm just not even gonna respond to her I just set my phone down for the night and didn't think about the text again.
But what I did think about was those pills that were left out on my desk, I didn't remember leaving them there. But to be fair, I have been high and completely drunk on and off the past week now so who knows. But there is just something off about it I don't know, I just decided to brush it off and go to bed.

The next morning I woke up to my dad being gone when I walked down the stairs after getting dressed and grabbing my stuff for school, and since dad wasn't there I had to walked and I was already gonna be late so I had to walk pretty fast to school
When I got there thought I didn't see Mikey anywhere so that was odd but I thought nothing of it then after first period when I saw him in the hall during passing period but I was in a rush and he was talking to other one of his friends I just figured I'd talk to him later

After school had ended I waited outside for him to come out
When he did I stopped him and said
"Hey dude, I haven't seen you all day"
"Oh yeah I'm sorry dude, how you doing"
"I'm fine, you?"
"I'm good, but are you sure your fine? "
"Yeah? Why wouldn't I be"
"Well you haven't talked about Madison at all today so. "
"So what. "
"Well it's just that you usually do"
"Okay, well my bad i guess"
"Dude what's going on with you? "
"Nothing I'm fine just fuck off alr? "
"You know what fine. I will, good luck with out me. "
*Mikey walked away. After that day I ended up never talking to him again.*

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