Just breathe

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The first thing a newborn does is cry; from a medical perspective, babies cry to clear their lungs, so the first cry is to ensure the baby is okay. But they also cry because they have to leave the womb, their most protected place.

Growing up, we're faced with difficult choices, moments when we feel breathless are not few, but we must always breathe and try to move forward; difficulties are to be faced no matter how tough they may be.

In my mind, images of the most difficult moments of my life passed quickly, but also the beautiful ones, it lasted very little. The water keeps pushing me against various objects, I just want to breathe, all I can glimpse is the sunlight. I just want to breathe.

My vision begins to blur due to lack of oxygen, I try to cling to anything, the water is no longer as violent as before. In the distance, I see something to hold onto. I manage to reach the object, it's a lamppost, I climb as much as I can and finally manage to breathe, the sun is strong, the water has calmed down. Around me there are corpses, trees, cars, debris, and a lot of water, I'm in a panic, I can only think of Evan and Chris, they could be dead, and I truly don't know what to do.

I've been clinging to the lamppost for I don't know how long, there was a second violent wave, but fortunately and miraculously I survived. The water has now receded, I'm injured, but I have to help people, I joined a group of survivors, we've seen too many corpses, we need to look for other survivors.

It's almost evening and the fatigue and blood loss from my wound are starting to be felt, in the distance I hear a noise, it's the cry of a child, my maternal instinct makes me run, and the adrenaline makes me not feel pain. Among some debris, there's a black SUV, that's where the cry is coming from, I immediately run towards the SUV and manage to open the door, in a car seat there's a little girl, she's about the age of the twins, her parents are in the front seats, from the look of the other people I understand that the two didn't survive, some tears fall from my eyes, life is unfair.

The girl name is Charlotte, it's written on her onesie, next to her there's a stuffed animal, it's the same one the twins have except Charlotte's is pink, I take it and while trying to comfort the little girl, I move away from the car.

Finally, hours after the tsunami, I reach a field hospital, I'm tired, but I have to find Evan and Chris. Charlotte has fallen asleep in my arms, I understand her, poor thing has just lost both her parents. I approach a nurse, I immediately ask if the two people I'm looking for are there, but as a response, I get a simple: I'm sorry, they're not here, try the black tent. The black tent, where the bodies have been placed. Piercing pain reaches my heart. They can't be there.

I approach the tent when suddenly I hear Evan's voice, I turn around and see him, he's injured, tired, and desperate. He's looking for Chris and me, he has some cuts, but otherwise seems fine.

"Evan!" I scream trying to run towards him, being careful of little Charlotte, as soon as he sees me his eyes acquire a bit of joy. When I'm in front of him he hugs me and we both start crying. "You're okay, you're okay" he keeps saying as he hugs and kisses me. "Where's Chris?" I ask with a whisper as I pull away from his embrace. His face changes again "I-I lost him. He was with me, but then the second wave separated us. Damn how do I tell Eddie. How do you tell your best friend that you lost his son and that he might be dead?!" he asks me as tears roll down his face, and as many roll down mine. "Hey, hey it's not your fault, C-Chris might be okay, w-we'll find him and-" I whisper to him, but I stop as soon as I see Eddie. Evan turns in the direction of my gaze, as soon as Eddie sees us his face changes appearance.
"Buck, Hope, what are you doing here? Where's Chris? Please tell me he's okay" he asks with fear in his voice, Evan is the first to speak "I-I'm sorry, the second wave came and separated us, I lost h-" Evan can't continue because a familiar voice calls Eddie. It's Chris, he's okay, his smile is always present, Eddie runs towards him hugging him tightly.
On my face and Evan's, more tears have formed, tiredness starts to be felt and both he and I collapse to the ground as nurses and paramedics run towards us. I still have Charlotte in my arms, I don't let her go, she needs someone to take care of her until social services arrive, I've grown fond of her.

"She's Charlotte, she was in the car with her parents, they didn't survive, she's about the age of the twins. It could have been us in the car Evan" I say amidst tears as Evan hugs me and whispers that we're both okay. Now I just want to go home and hug the twins.

*A few days later*

Both Buck and I have just been discharged from the hospital, with the doctor's order to rest, Charlotte or Charlie has been with me the whole time, the social worker has allowed us to keep her with us since she has no other relatives who can take care of her. Evan and I talked about it and we decided to adopt her; Charlie is two days younger than the twins, her parents Naomi and Andrew Smith, 39 and 42 years old, have been buried in the cemetery of their hometown.

Charlotte is a wonderful child, she looks a lot like me and Buck, she has beautiful blond hair, and eyes of the same shade as the twins, they could easily be mistaken for triplets.

*An hour later, at the Trevisan's house*

My whole family and the 118 have gathered at my parents' house to meet the little one and celebrate our return home. Seeing the twins and Charlie together has been the most beautiful thing since Sebastian and Jayden were born.
I finally saw Filippo again after four months, as soon as he heard about the tsunami, he immediately booked a flight to Los Angeles.

Tomorrow I'll meet Buck's parents to introduce them to Charlotte. I hate lying to Buck but they're her grandparents, they have every right to see the children. Since they were born, we've seen each other every week and I try to convince them to talk to Buck even though it seems difficult.


Here's the new chapter ✨
Enjoy :)

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