The Beginning

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"Amare vuol dire donare quello che si ha. Bisogna regalare il nostro tempo, noi stessi, i nostri giorni."
Roberto Benigni~

*4 years ago*

"Hope veloce il ristorante è pieno!" (Hope quick the restaurant is full) this is the first thing that the 20-year-old Hope Trevisan hears as she arrives in the kitchen of her family's restaurant.
"Hope, porta questo al ragazzo qui fuori, è il suo ordine, fallo pagare e torna qui" (Hope take this to the boy outside, it's his order, make him pay and come back here) her mother yells to her while she hands to her doughter some paper bags with food in them.
"Si mamma vado subito" (yes mom I'm going right now) Hope says taking the bags.
When Hope comes out she sees a boy in front of her, he must be a little older than her but she has already fallen in love at first sight.
After a few seconds of the two making eye contact finally the young girl speaks "hello, here's your order, it's 25$." "What?" the boy asks, he was lost in looking at her beautiful gray-blue eyes. "it's 25$" Hope says blushing. "oh yeah sorry here" the boy says embarrassed handing her the money, "I'm Evan by the way" he continues reaching out his hand to shake Hope's hand "Hope nice to meet you" she says with a sweet smile.
Five minutes later Hope comes back to the kitchen and "Where have you gone?" it's the first thing that she hears from her mother.
"Scusa mamma torno subito a lavorare" (Sorry mom I'm coming to work) she says whit an innocent smile.

From that day for the next two weeks Evan showed up at the restaurant every single day and became more and more familiar with the girl until one day he finally asked her to go out and she happily accepted.

That just the beginning of Hope and Evan love story...

So I'm busy with school, Italian schools are among the most stressful in the world, we are full of tests and we don't have time to live our lives. I'm in a constant state of anxiety, depression, and I'm tired all the time so I'm sorry for not posting anything...
Have a nice day ✨

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