*ring.... Ring.... Ring.... Ring*
I answer with when I answer the call
"Dude what have you been doing? I've called you like 17 times now."
*Mikey said*
"What are you talking about, I just fucking woke up"
"Oh. well that's my bad dude,"
He stops and pauses for a minute
"How are you handling the break up"
I didn't know what to say in response
"It's... Um... Eh... Well... It's going ok I guess."
"Well at least your not down in the dumps about it or something, any way you coming to school today? You've missed the past three days."
"Yeah I know, that's my bad. I'll be sure to be there today, alr?"
"Good, school has been so boring without you, so I'll see you in a bit?"
"Yeah see you soon dude"
*the call ends*
Man I don't fucking want to go to school, I don't think I could handle seeing Maddison today.
*I think to myself*
Oh well tho I gotta man up about this and just gotta do it.
*I get out of bed and get dressed.*
*after I finished getting dressed I headed down stairs*
"Hey bout time you got out of bed buddy"
*my dad said to me after I walked down the stairs*
"Yeah yeah whatever, I'm walking to school today so don't worry bout giving me a ride, alr?"
"Oh, okay I'll see you later then, bye Atlas."
"Bye dad"
*I walk out the door grabbing my bag on my way out*
*I started walking to school and pretend every thing was normal. But truth be told, it wasn't. I wasn't handling this break up good, Madison is the most prettiest and popular girl in the school, I was surprised she was even into me. But I ended things recently when she started acting differently, I started to suspect she was cheating on me or something. Only for her to tell me after I broke up with her that she was cheating on me and that she did multiple times. So that's why I've been avoiding her now I don't even know how I'll react when I do, I know I won't cry or freak out because that's just what I do, I'm to tough to cry or freak out ima just pretend everything is alr like I normally do.
*then before I knew it all that ranting I was doing didn't make me notice I was already at school*
But before I could walk in I heard Mikey call my name from the side of the street then he started walking over to me
"What's up dude"
*he said to me*
"Hey man, what's up"
"Not much, you?"
He looks behind me, then he got a weird look on his face then said
"Hey man, I wouldn't recommend turning around if I was you."
I was confused so of course I ended up turning around
*I turned around and saw Madison*
*then turned back to Mikey*
"Eh so what it's just Madison"
I said to him
"did you not see who she was with? "
*I was confused so yet again I turned around*
*I turned around to see who, it then turned out to be ace*
Ace was your typical jock, he did football and had all the girls over him, now including Madison. My Madison. But I guess she isn't exactly mine anymore.
But when I took I closer look I saw that Madison had started crying and that ace was there comforting her. Then I saw them walk away together.
*I turned back to Mikey*
"So what she's moved on good for her not like I fucking care anyway"
"Are you sure dude?"
Mikey asked me in a different kind of tone
"Yeah I'm fucking sure, alr now let's just go into school now. "
I started walking with Mikey following me
*I went through the day avoiding Madison at all costs. But the thing is, she never even looked my way once that day, it felt like I was invisible to her. But whenever I saw her she looked so sad and looked so drained, I almost felt bad. But I shouldn't after everything she did I'm not gonna so I would just continue to act cold and ignore her.*
but I couldn't help to feel bad, we were together for almost a year. 11 months and 17 days, she would always keep count. It was kinda cute when I would wake up to a happy 4 months, 5 months, 8 months, ect.  she made sure to keep track of all of them. or when we reached 11 months I was the one who texted her and took her out on a date. But after that day or in her words 11 months and 1 day as she would put it. That was the day she started acting weird, I don't know why but she was then on 11 months and 17 days that was when I ended things. And I guess it was lucky that I did, cause yk she was cheating on me. I never thought that she would but I guess people aren't always as they seem.
*theses were my thoughts as I was walking home from school, it was currently spring so I didn't have to worry about going to basketball practice any more I loved playing basketball and Madison loved going to my games she also loved wearing my hoodie with my last name on the back. She always looked the happiest in my hoodie, man. I really loved her. And I don't wanna admit it but I do miss her still, Like a lot.
But it's not like it matters now anyway.
*I finished my ranting as I walked into my house*
"Dad, are you home?"
I slightly yelled when I walked through the door.
But no response, I guess he must of got called into work or something.
*buzz.... Buzz*
My phone went off like someone had texted me so I sat down on the couch and grabbed it out of my pocket.
*one unread text from madi 💔*
What the fuck.
*I think to myself, do I open it or not?*
I set my phone down and just turn on the TV hoping that it would distract me. But it didn't work so I ended up picking my phone back up and clicking on the text and it said.

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