Chapter 3: A horrible second day

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I make my way back home worried about my dad beating me up, he is very abusive and didn't want a girl, so when my mom died, he started beating me up everyday.

I get home and slowly open the door, worried to not wake my dad up, he's also very alcoholic so if he's not beating me up he's passed out drunk on the couch. But because I'm so unlucky I end up waking him up as I pass behind the couch

“Come here girl, you woke me up! so I have beat you up now!” He howls at me. I get scared and run upstairs to my room and lock the door. I slide down my door crawled up into a ball and start crying, I wish I could use my angel-demon powers on him, but I'm too weak and I would go to juvy. I miss mom, she never actually got to teach me on how to use july power.

I end up falling asleep at the door, sad, miserable and depressed. I wake up and notice I WAS LATE FOR SCHOOL!!! i dash out my room before my dad could beat me again….his name was….Dyler Turden.
But he for some unknown reason changed it for Tusitala MacShannon Smith. I run to school with a horrible back pain, because I slept against the hard wood door.

I change clothes quickly at home and run to school, I grab whatever I needed from my locker and run to the classroom.

“Mrs. Smith you are very gery late!” The teacher bursted at me in front everyone and embarrassed me! I almost cry but I can't cry in front of everyone. So I just shamefully walk to my seat and whimper silently hoping no one notices.

Class ends and as I'm about to leave class when I get to the corridor to meet up with Jenny, I bump into someone and it's JAYSON! He looks down at me furious, he growls at me and pushes me to the ground and EVERYONE LAUGHS AT ME. Jenny notices and tries to help me but I run to the bathroom. And I started breaking down and crying. As I’m breaking down I hear footsteps walking inside the bathroom, I scamper and enter one of the stalls and hide there.
“Hello, are you in here Luna? I heard u breaking down and sobbing.”
I think to myself, wait a second…..I recognized that voice..!

“AUSTIN!” I wailed at Austin, I run out of the stall and jump into his arms, frying into his arms. I never felt so comforted in the girls bathroom. I tell him what happened, and he looks down at me and says.

“It’s ok my pretty princess I'll save you from that ugly beast dragon that is Jayson.” He says softly and hugs me tight.

We leave the bathroom and we head to our next classes, I have my third class with Jenny, so I go up for her and she looks worried at me.

“Are you okay Lulu?” She questions me as she stares at my throbbing dark purple eye bags begging for some sleep and happyness. I just look at her with my bright shining diamond blue orbs with my orbs turning teary, and I nod. She of course doesn't believe but when I sit down she puts her arm on my shoulder to comfort me. 

Class ends and we leaveand Jayson is coming towards our direction, he looks very very angry at me. Jenny gets angry and starts confronting July him, she helps me go without him noticing, but before I can fully escape him he screams at em

Jayson yells at me “you BAKA!” Since he’s 25% Japanese. But little does he know, IM 26% JAPANESE. I run to the cafeteria, my coffee, tree trunk brown brunette hair falls in front of my face. I get to the cafeteria and run toward Austin screamin Austin.

“Austin!” I yowl at him. He opens his arms for me and I cry again, he started to crew, so we both crods together. Out if nowhere Jayson BURT'S into the cafeteria in a fit of rage.

“You're cornie!?” He spat in my face with Jenny behind him…

“She was born on the cob!” Austin suddenly comes through, defending me tiny, little defenseless self. I stop crying and think, he is the FIRST EVER person to stand up for me!

Angelina, of course, because she's so intrometida(I forgot in Inglish sorry😔🥺😢) she says.

“shut it Austin! Your from Texas aren’t you!” She yells at me. “Jayson is right, she is so corne!!” Angelica states loudly, I start crying again. Jayson is about to pick a fight with Austin.

“I'm about to pick a fight with you Austin!” He snarls at Austin. Austin glares in anger and they booth get up on the table and start throwing hands at each e ther. Im just sit there shocked. Did all of that happen because of me? I get the courage and I scream.

“Stop guys, Austin that's not l-l-l-like you!! I know you're not that kind of p-pe-per-pe-person!” Austin glances at me for a second but then Jayson knocks him out and he falls head first and almost gets a concussion on the ground.

Me and Jenny rush him to the nurses office and he wakes up after 1.5 minutes. I look him in the eyes with my beautiful glistening ocean blue orbees.

“Austin? A-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-are you okay?” I gently caress his face gently in a gentle manner as my face shows a gentle look as my hands caress his face with gentleness. Jenny notices there's something between us and she whipers in my ear.

“I ship you guys already!” She runs off and gives me a thumbs up and leaves gently closes the door roughly because she's in a rush to go to class.

“So how's your head you g-g-g-g-g+g-g-g-g;goofball?” I ask worringly and funnily, we both burst out laughing loudly and uncontrollably at my amazing joke. The joke was so funny that even the nurse started laughing too.

“Hahahahah!” She laughs

“See?” Says Austin, “See what?” I ask. “You have great qualities see? You are very funny, like a clown.” He smaells gently. I blush cutely, he brushes my hair out of my face, with my hair covering my gorgeous sky blue orbs off my face.

We secretly skip the last periods and go home. With him being so nice I forgot how abusive and aggressive my dad, is, but luckily he's not home when I get there. So I just go to bed and sleep happily like I haven't in so much years.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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