Chapter 1: New school

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I woke up with the loud sound of the alarm like always, I turn it off and stay some more time in bed until I get some motivation to get up.

I walk up to the bathroom and then I wash my face and I brush my tree trunk brown hair, then I take off the hair off my ocean baby blue orb while I cover the other, after that I quickly put on some other clothes on.

A big hoodie, tight jeans and snow boots, basically messy outfits, I always dress up like this for the most that any boys would like it, but of anyways I don't care isn't like any boys would like a messy and shy girl like me. Also they would never like a girl so different from the others

After that I run and take my back pack and a piece of bread for me to eat it while I go to school. I look at my necklace while walking and then I remember that this necklace was my moms, who died in a horrible accident. I keep looking at my necklace and don't notice there's someone coming, they were running very fast to we crash into each other.

"OW!" Shouts the unknown person

"I- I'm sorry I didn't mean t-to...." I say apologetic

"You better be! Ugh..." says the unknown person while getting up, I take a better look at him, he had a midnight black hair and fire red orbs, he was using a black hoodie, dark blue shirt, black shoes and black pants, he was very tall and intimidating

"THERE YOU ARE YOU TROUBLEMAKER!" Someone else shout's

"Damnit!" He complains while running from the unknown person

"HEY COME BACK HERE! HMPH," Says the other unknown person, she looks at me and we make eye contact, it was silent so it was very uncomfortable.

"Hi! Sorry about that hehe," They say, I took a fast glance at her she was a bit shorter than that boy, she had rose red orbs and a short dark pink hair, she was wearing a leather jacket, fishnet gloves and stockings, a dark red shirt,big black boots and a black skirt

"Sorry about him, where are you going?" She kindly asks

"T-to Tomato high school..." I stutter

"Seriously? I also study there! Come on I can keep you company on the way there," She says excitedly

"O-ok..." I agree

We walk for a while and we introduce ourselves to each other, her name is Jennifer but I could call her Jenny, we ended up becoming friends.

Time skip😋

We finally reached school, here we are in tomato high school.

"So what do we do first?" I ask

"I think we should put our things in the lockers first," She replies

"O-o-ok..." I answer

"So let's pick the lockers," She says and starts looking around for free lockers, she finds it and we go there, and the same guy from earlier was there.

"Hey!" Shouts Jenny

"What?" Asks the boy

"What are you doing here?!" Says Jenny a bit stressed

"This is my locker you idiot!" Shouts the boy

"Ugh your so annoying, I never though having a brother could get even more annoying with time!" Shouts Jenny, I got shocked, Jenny and him didn't look much alike.

"Ugh wathever!" The boy says ignorantly while walking away

"Sorry about him he's very stupid and annoying," Apologizes Jenny

"I-it's not y-yo-your f-f-fa-f-fault..." I say

"I have a-a-a q-que-ques-question..." I ask

"Yes?" She says

"Are y-y-you and t-t-t-t-that b-boy si-sii-siblings?" I ask

"Yeah, he's a big idiot but... Also he's a bit dangerous so take care when I'm not around ok?" She replies worried and serious

"O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ok..." I replie a bit scared

"... We'll let's go," she exclaims smiling

I was still a bit worried but I also smile and we went to class. When we got there we sat next to each other and class started few minutes after.

Time skip again

Lunch break I go to my locker alone, Jenny couldn't come because she needed to finish the work. I walk to the lockers and you will not believe who I found... JENNYS BROTHER! He is so scary and tall, I started to shake so hard. When I was closer to the lockers he shouted at me.


"I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I W-w-w-was j-j-j-j-j-j-just g-g-g-g-going t-t-t-t-to p-p-p-p-p-put m-m-m-m-my t-t-t-t-things i-i-in t-t-t-t-the l-l-l-l-l-l-locker..." I stutter

"Heh you know, take care around me I can bite you..." he says joking but I don't think he was lying.

"Girls like you are fun to chase around..." he continues, I'm very scared

"Get off her Jayson!" Someone exclaims, it was Jenny

"Why should I!?" Screams Jayson to Jenny

"P-p-p-p-please stop that!" I shout

"Huh?! WHY SHOUDL I?" Yells Jayson, which makes me cry

"Y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-you s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-should s-s-s-s-s-s-stop b-b-b-b-b-b-be-be-be..." I stutter but I get interrupted by Jayson

"B-b-b-b-b-b-b-because BECAUSE WHAT?!" He shouts, but then he gets pushed by Jenny

"Leave her alone you idiot ugh!" Says Jenny as she takes me by away the wrist away

"Sorry about him, he's a big idiot like I said before... Are you ok?" She asks kindly

"Y-yeah..." I say while cleaning theaters that fall from my ocean blue orbs.

"Let's eat that maybe make you fell better," she says while smiling.

End of chapter 1

1028 words

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