"Security feef from the airport. Passenger had a boarding pass for Flight 761." Laswell opened the security camera's clips, showing one of Makarov's men pass the security without any problem.

"Fake passport."

"Or inside job.."

"More likely."

"No one stopped him." Nikolai butted in, pacing around the room slowly. "Walk in the bloody park." Gaz commented with a frown.

Kate then switched clips and zoomed on another man's face, Makarov. That motherfucker. "That's Makarov." Soap stated.

"Farah and Alex – what'd they get?"

"Not enough to prove anything."

Soap got up from his seat and walked towards the screen, "Sick bastard's topping American missiles with chemical weapons and killing his own people," He clenched his jaw, then he turned towards all of us, "He's killing civilians."

"Pinning the blame on Farah.."

"And the United States."

"False flag operations, he wants a war." Price spoke up and everyone turned to look at him, Ghost walking to him slowly, "East vs West. The title fight." He added.

I just stared at everyone, my head moving frantically between them as I listened carefully at the conversation. I was picking on my fingers nervously, talking about war was making me feel anxious because that meant that I had to go with them and Makarov was a dangerous, smart bastard.

"Is the world fallin' for this, Kate?" Gaz asked Laswell, "We're on the brink, guys." She sighed and rested her hands on her hips. "Had him right in our fuckin' hands." Soap hissed at Price, pointing at Makarov's face on the screen.

"I shoulda killed him when we had the chance." He looked defeated, because of a single choice that seemed the right one, a whole war was forming.

"I shouldn't have stopped you."

"Was the right thing at the time, Captain." They were standing now face to face, "At the time.." Ghost murmured and I turned to look at him, raising my head slightly because of the height difference, as I was sitting and he was standing.

Then the memory of his lips brushing against mine flashed right in front of my eyes, I could feel the heat rising slowly to my cheeks and I averted my gaze on the screen, with a small frown.

An incoming call alert broke the silence,
"Secure transmission, Pentagon ID." Kate immediately walked to the laptop and moved it at the center of the table, so everyone could participate.

I kept my eyes on the screen as General Shepherd's face appeared, my eyebrows arched in surprise, not expecting him to come alive in this complicated situation. "Kate, let's talk."

Soap seemed so annoyed that he snorted and started pacing around slowly, "I've been lookin' for you." Price pushed Kate aside gently, "John.. It's a family affair, even better."

"What do you want?"

"Vladimir Makarov, same as you."

Price shot a glance at Laswell, knowing already were this was heading too.
"Go on, General." Kate returned to John a reassuring nod, "I got a lead on Makarov's bankroll-"

"We're not looking for money." Soap snapped, butting in the call. "Soap, you find the money, you find the man."

"Where are you gettin' intel? Without an army, you got nothin'." Gaz spoke too. "Wrong again, boys." Graves' voice echoed in the call, everyone looked so shocked by his appearance, while I just sat there in confusion.

"Un-fuckin'-believable." Soap whispered and stepped closer to the screen, eyeing Graves with such contempt. "Soap! You miss me?" The American set a sarcastic tone, "Well, technically, you did, didn't you?"

"Laswell, if you're tracking this, let's call an airstrike." Ghost growled, his intimidating self getting closer to Kate as she held a hand up to calm him down. I watched as the scene unfolded right in front of my eyes, Nikolai was sitting next to me, "So basically we thought that Graves was dead." He whispered into my ear, his thick russian accent so prominent.

I turned my head to look at him and responded with a slight nod, "Ghost, that is not nice." Graves scolded him as if he was a little kid.

"Captain, let me paint you the bigger picture," Shepherd said, "You need Makarov in a pine box and I've got the nails."

"In exchange for what?" Kate retorted, folding her arms and I shot her a glare,
"You can't be serious." I finally spoke up, walking towards her with slow steps, "Please, Scylla. Wait." She gave me an apologetic look as John walked away, shaking his head in disapproval.

"I want my name on a win. Check your inbox, Kate. I'll be in touch." And just like that, the call ended. I let out a sarcastic chuckle and fished out of my pockets a packet of cigarettes, taking one with my teeth.

Not only I'm gonna risk my life, he wants the win under his name? No fucking way Kate just let him get what he wanted.

"I got a name and a location." She said and walked up to Price. "I am not sending my soldiers on a mission from him." He shook his head then his gaze fell on me, his eyes filled with worry.

"This isn't a mission, John, this is intel."

"No way. He is a fucking liar, Kate."

"I'm CIA, John, I know all about lies. So do you."

For a few seconds silence fell over us, I leaned against the table and lit up my cigarette, taking the first long drag. "Captain, we do deals for intel all the time. This is no different." Gaz finally spoke up.

"He's right. Road to hell or not, Garrick's right." Soap agreed.

"Boss, we got this. Johnny, you with me?" Ghost turned to look at Soap, "You know it, LT."

Then his hazel eyes fell on me, I tried to avoid him at all costs but it seemed impossible by now, "Scylla?" That damned tongue, I wanted to cut it off badly and burn it.

I took a drag from my cigarette, letting the smoke trail out from my nostrils, "Yep."

Sea of Temptation ; Simon Riley.Where stories live. Discover now