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Somehow, semester exams are over. And I can finally breathe freely.

Maybe I can breathe more freely if my mother would stop calling me for a second — she has been calling me non-stop ever since my examinations were over without fail for every hour. She can't wait to have me back for the semester break apparently and keeps inquiring when I would leave.

Not to sound like an ungrateful brat, but I am dreading going back home. It just would be... a lot.

Sighing, I let my phone ring until it stops itself, and then sigh again, feeling bad almost instantly. Covering my face with both of my hands, I let out a loud groan.

"Wow," I hear out of nowhere and sit up with a start.

It's Jomar — of course, it's him; who else could it be?

Rolling my eyes, I resume my previous position — lying on my back on the bed, with my legs dangling down. Jomar is sat on his own bed, opposite of mine, looking intently at me. I didn't even know he was back.

"When did you come in?" I ask, looking up at the wall.

"Not very long, fortunately. What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing. Why?"

"Exams are finally over, man," he comes to me, and slaps my knee, "Why are you... you?" he looms over me, frowning.

"Move away before I kick you somewhere that could harm your future,"

"Whoa, whoa," he raises his arms, taking a step back, "Fine. Anyways, there's this party tonight–,"

"Nope," I answer before he can even finish his sentence and sit up.


"No means no, Jomar,"

That's not enough to deter him though, he goes on, "It's the end of the semester. Our first semester. We have to mark that somehow,"

"Yeah, that's what the exams are for,"

He gives me a stony look, and then waves a hand at me dismissively, "Anyways, this party–,"

"I'm not going, Jomar," I assert, but my words fall on intentionally deaf ears.

"It's by this guy Sun Ling knows. I think he's in his second year. He–,"

"I don't care. I'm not going,"


I don't know why I still waste my energy with Jomar.

We're at the party now — yes, he managed to drag me to the party with him somehow.

"Half an hour," I affirm with Jomar before he can push us both into whatever that he has unwillingly signed me up for, "That's how long I'm staying for and after that–,"

"After that–," Jomar intervenes, grabbing me by my shoulders and turning me around, "–it's fully up to you if you want to stay or not. But first let's go in,"

He simply opens the door and steps in as if he's been here many times before — knowing Jomar he probably has. Fortunately, we instantly spot Sun Ling — the faster I can take Jomar's attention away from me, the faster I can go back to my room.

I know I should be using this college time of mine to its maximum enjoyment because this is the last carefree phase of my life, but I just can't get out of my own head. I definitely know I'm gonna regret not participating in all this later on, but right now, I just can't care. I want to go back to my room.

"Aarvin, hey!" Sun Ling hugs me, and then pulling back squints her eyes at me playfully, "Didn't really think Jomar could get you here,"

I roll my eyes, "I am still learning on how to properly say no to him,"

"If you do figure it out, teach me too, okay,"

"Sure. And the same goes to you too,"

"Definitely," she laughs.

Jomar squeezes himself in between us, "Not gonna let that happen. Ken agrees with me, don't you, Ken?"


That's when I notice Ken standing silently behind us. And that's when I started losing my mind — not completely but so slowly that I am perfectly aware I am losing my mind but in a position where I can't do anything about it.

Don't look at him; I think to myself and immediately scan the room for a familiar face. There has to be someone else here who I know. I don't care if I've never uttered a single word to them before, I am still going to approach to them and talk to them like we're friends — fuck my social anxiety.

Jomar is talking again and I know there's not much time before he drags me into the conversation as well, and what if I have to talk to Ken. What would I do? I totally was not expecting to see him today; I have seen him in passing ever since that day but not for long because I had reason to hide behind my books. Unfortunately, I don't have the same privilege right now.

"Aar–," I guessed wrong; it's not Jomar who's pulling me now, it's Sun Ling. They're a perfect pair really.

"Oh, hey," I shout, cutting off Sun Ling, and then turn to them innocently, "Sorry, guys. I'll be back in a bit,"

I absolutely do not plan on joining them again.


a/n: do let me know how you're finding the story so far - and trust me all the fun comes very soon, and also longer chapters hehhh 😉 and like i said in  the intro part, in case you missed it, updates will be once every two week (unless i'm feeling generous for the day hahaahahah)

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-psst, *whispers* you can already find 30+ chapters, and a bonus chapter as well 

Something, NothingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora