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The sun rose casting a warm yellow glow in the sky accompanied by the warbling of passerines and larks. The Loriini gently caressed the still sleepy fledgling in an attempt to wake it up.
The kingdom of 花 was up doing either their morning routines or heading to work.

Well except for their princess, Song Yuqi, who was still asleep dreaming about herself getting crowned. She sleepily giggled with her eyes shut as she lived the illusion of her about-to-be best moment of her life. Which didn't really last long as the queen, Song Méiguī, burst in her room shouting random songs.

"Hwaaaaa~" The queen carolled, trying to wake the sleeping princess. However, her singing only resulted in Yuqi's dream getting weirder.

In her dream-

Princess Yuqi stood before the grand hall, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She wore a blue, silk gown embellished with intricate designs that shimmered in the soft light of the room. The crown, a symbol of her new role and responsibilities, rested on a velvet cushion beside her.

As the royal advisor stepped forward, the room fell silent. His voice rang out, announcing the beginning of the ceremony. Princess Yuqi took a deep breath, her eyes fixed on the crown before her.

One by one, the members of the royal court approached, each bearing a symbolic item: a scepter, a orb, and a robe. They placed these items on a table beside the cushion, signifying the transfer of power to the new monarch.

Finally, it was time. The royal crown was lifted from its cushion and placed gently on Princess Yuqi's head. The room erupted into applause as she rose, her face beaming with pride.

She was enjoying every second of that moment until the applause stoped, the entire hall was now so silent that even her heartbeats were audible. Yuqi stood confused, analysing every single person who now stood quiet. As she was about to speak, a witch flew into the room.
Yes, a WITCH!

"Hwaaaa~" she crooned while zooming through the hall on her trusted broom. "How happy the 花 Dynasty looks right now, I'm over joyed!" She said while landing on the ground. "How about I~ take it away?" She hissed with a sudden change in expression.

"N-NO! I won't let you!" Yuqi said with her voice quavering in rage. She tried to pull out her sword but to late! The witch appeared right in front of her, snatching the sword and throwing it away.

"You can't defeat me, darling. So stop dreaming now," The witch warned. "No!" Yuqi screamed. "Wake up you rotten zucchini!" With that, Yuqi felt a slap on her cheek which stirred her awake.

"Māmā~" she whinnied while getting up. "How much do you sleep? I thought you were dead" her mother complained while drawing open the curtains.

Yuqi rubbed her eyes while trying to adjust with light of the sun which now decorated the room. "Come eat breakfast, today is the day you defeat the 火 Empire" The queen cheerfully announced before walking out of the room, leaving behind the princess who already slept with her eyes open.


She hopped around her emerald green castle admiring every single embroidery like it was her last. She came across the area where there was a collage of all of her ancestors.

Hwaa 火花 | ShuqiWhere stories live. Discover now