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Life was good, in a blink of eyes a few months already passed. y/n just lock the door as she close the shop and ready to go home. Clutching onto her bag, she rubs her rosy cheeks with her warm hands as the cold wind passed by, it's almost winter here, many shops already put out their best selling for Christmas including Madam Vitsky as well.

As she turns around the corner, her body bumped into something hard. Y/n slowly flutter her lashes up to look at the tall male as she murmured a gentle sorry. "Sir, I'm really sorry. I wasn't looking-" she was cut off by the tall male himself, " it's fine, really... Nothing to worry about" he displays his charming smile but he looks anxious somehow. Y/n smile softly to show her sorry as she watch the blonde man walk away in hurry which makes her brows furrowed in curiosity but she decided to brush it off and continue to walk back home.


" Tom! Call me crazy but I think I saw her! I saw y/n, did she rose up from dead because she wanted to haunted me?! " Nikolai enter the manor with anxious face as he hurried to find Tom, his voice echoes like a crazy man as he rambles anxiously, he thinks he was imagining things but then again he haven't takes any drugs or alcohol. He starts to think that y/n wanted to haunted him because he stole her stationary and copy her assignments back in Hogwarts. But really? Did the dead woman just remembered about it or what?! It's been few years for God's sake!

"Merlin, Nik... What has gotten into you?" Tom groans softly as he looks up from his book, sitting handsomely in his casual clothes. Tom Riddle sit on the couch with his legs spread out and a slightly thick old book in his veiny hands.
Seeing his friend's sweaty face and anxiousness makes his brows raised in curiosity. Nikolai was rambling in murmured so he couldn't make out most of his words but his ears pearks up when y/n's name was heard.

Nikolai make his way towards the study room as soon as he saw Tom, he slumped his body next to his friend and cupped Tom's face between his palms. "listen to me, Riddle. I think I've gone crazy, I saw your y/n Tom... I saw her!" Nikolai breath out.

"are you drunk? Nik, don't talk nonsense you asshole, I can't-" Tom take a deep breath as he stop himself, he miss her so much. She was his everything and it was such a sensitive thing to bring up. " I'm not talking shit, Tom. I thought I just saw it wrong but I take another glance after that, and few more glance again." the blond man rambles as he keep a straight look on his face. He really did take a few good glance at y/n earlier and his neck almost hurt because of it. The face, the slight dimples, the way she walks and her voice. There's no way a clone or a ghost would look like that, and more importantly... " she bumped into me and she didn't pass through!" Nikolai burst out suddenly to prove that he wasn't hallucinating.

Tom's eyes narrowed as he look at Nikolai with unreadable expression, he suddenly burst out laughing and pat the man's shoulder. "never joke about that again, I hate it." his face changed instantly into one hundred percent serious expression. Nikolai was beyond confuse, isn't he supposed to be happy? All though his story sound stupid and crazy but at least they should investigate it first just to confirm. There's still a chance that the woman is really y/n, and if it's true then Tom can finally stop grieving over the empty casket and start to win her back.

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