Chapter 5: The Whole World Against Me

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Helene's P.O.V

I gaped at the both of them, my head throbbing. I couldn't believe that Pierre had threw a punch at the alpha. I mean, he was always the one who tried to placate me whenever someone mentioned him in front of me.

Anyone could tell that a fight was going to break out soon, but no one tried to intervene. They were watching as the scene unfolded in front of their very eyes, either not caring if anyone got hurt, or were too afraid to step up to the alpha, especially in this state. Even Alpha Alder and my father were frozen in their spots, like a deer caught in headlights. Helene, you have to stop them, Honey urged, and I knew she was right. No one was going to do it, after all.

Figuring that it would be better to placate the alpha first--although it may not work, given the circumstances right now, I stepped up to him and tugged on his arm. I ignored the feelings that resembled electric shocks as my hand came into contact with his arm.

"Please, stop fighting," I begged. Almost immediately, his eyes snapped towards me. However, his eyes were wild, and he didn't seem to recognize me, so I tugged harder.

"Alpha! Stop, please...Don't hurt my brother, okay?" I tried again. This time, his actually paused in his step and turned to look at me.

"He's...your brother?" He asks, disbelief etched in his features. My brows furrowed, as I nodded. How could he not know?

He seemed to relax a little, and he transformed fully back to his human form. "Well, why didn't you say so earlier?" He asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know, probably because you were at each other's throats instead of listening to me," I retorted. By now, Pierre had stopped backing away and was now walking towards us, seeing that the alpha had calmed down.

"Pierre, this is...Alpha Talons. Alpha, this is my brother, Pierre." I didn't know why, but I felt the need to introduce them to each other, in case they decide to harm each other again.

"Richard." He suddenly blurted out. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Wh-what?" I laughed nervously. Who's Richard? Probably one of the assassins that he has at his disposal, I grimaced slightly.

"My name. Richard. Call me Richard," he clarified. Oh... Pierre's eyes darted back and forth between us, the tension in the air palpable.

"Wait, hold on a second. Before you bark orders at my sister, please do explain to me what you meant by 'rejecting her,'" he snapped. I sighed. I wasn't in the mood to deal with the mate thing again. Not after stopping a fight that would have been violent had I not intervened.

I turned to my brother. "Can we please not talk about this now?" I plead, and his eyes soften, before nodding reluctantly. Charcoal wants me to tell you that he will have a talk with you later about this, Honey says after a while. Tell him I said okay. With that, she disappeared from my mind.

I could feel Alpha Talons' gaze boring into the back of my head as he says, "why don't we go inside first? I could bring your packmates around your new Packhouse." Pierre thought for a while, before agreeing.

I saw this time as a perfect chance to escape from Talons. "I'll go get them," I hastily mumbled, before walking off in the direction of Alpha Alder and Father.


"What was all that about?" Father hissed at me as we made our way inside the Packhouse, taking the rear. It was spacious, significantly larger in size than the Packhouse we had back in our territory. Thankfully, it was far from the alpha's Packhouse, so I wouldn't have to see him often. At least the thought gives me the solace that I so desperately craved right now.

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