Chapter 28

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As Lucy settled into her new studio apartment in Seoul, provided by her entertainment agency, she couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness about her upcoming drama role. She quickly messaged her friend Ji Min to let her know she was in town, hoping to catch up and share her news.

Lucy: Hey Jimin! Just wanted to let you know that I'm in Seoul now. It's been a hasty getting settled in, but I'm excited to be here!

Jimin: Oh, that's fantastic news, Lucy! Welcome to the city! We definitely need to catch up soon. Are you free to meet up sometime?

Lucy: Absolutely! I'd love to hang out. I'm still getting used to my new place, but I'm flexible with my schedule. Let me know when works for you!

Jimin: Great! How about we meet up at our favorite café tomorrow afternoon? I can show you around the neighborhood afterward if you'd like.

Lucy: That sounds perfect! Thanks, Jimin. I really appreciate you taking the time to meet up with me. It's been a bit overwhelming being in a new city by myself.

Jimin: Of course, Lucy! I'm here for you. We'll have a great time catching up and exploring together. Can't wait to see you!

After agreeing on a date and time, Lucy and Jimin met at a cozy café nestled beside a glass floor-to-ceiling window, offering a panoramic view of the bustling city streets below. They settled in, ordering their drinks and sinking into the comfortable ambiance of the café.

The café was bustling with activity as Lucy and Jimin settled into their seats, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. With their drinks in hand, they lean in, eager to catch up on each other's lives.

"So, tell me all about your drama gig! How's everything going?" Jimin asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Lucy's face lit up as she launched into a lively recount of her experiences thus far. She shared her excitement about the role but confessed to her struggles with Korean pronunciation.

"Well, everything's fine expect that I need to work on my Korean speaking more. But luckily, the company will provide me with a Korean tutor to work on my pronunciation."

"I'm sure you'll get the hang of it in no time," Jimin reassured her, her smile warm and encouraging.

As they sipped their beverages, Jimin's curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't resist asking about the main leads of the drama.

"So, who are the main leads in the drama?" she asked, her eyes alight with interest.

Lucy chuckled softly, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Well, funny you should ask. The main leads haven't been confirmed yet, so even I'm in the dark about it!"

Jimin nodded understandingly, her interest piqued by Lucy's revelation. "That must be both exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time," she remarked.

Jimin's gaze softened with concern as she leaned forward, her voice laced with empathy. "Lucy, I hope you don't mind me asking, but what really happened between you and Sung Hoon?"

Lucy's heart skipped a beat, her mind swirling with memories of the past. She took a deep breath, steeling herself before she began to speak.

Lucy's voice wavered as she bravely opened up about the torment she had faced. "It was everything," she admitted, her words heavy with the weight of her experiences. 

"I've been bullied in my DMs by Sung Hoon's fans ever since the fake rumor of me making a fake news of dating Sung Hoon just for attention. They called me a crazy, obsessive fan."

As Lucy recounted her harrowing experience, Jimin listened intently, her eyes widening with disbelief at the cruelty Lucy had endured.

"I can't believe people would do that," Jimin exclaimed, her voice filled with indignation. "That's just... horrible."

Taking a moment to gather her thoughts, Lucy continued, her tone somber yet resolute. "For Sung Hoon, the rumor thing was over long ago, especially after he came to Bangkok to win me back," she explained, her voice tinged with bitterness. "Honestly, the scandal didn't even do anything to him, but only me."

"But for me, it was never over. Even though the news and posts on social media died down, the personal attacks on my accounts never stopped."

Jimin listened intently, her expression reflecting the empathy she felt for her friend. "Did you ever talk about this with him?" she inquired gently; her voice filled with concern.

Lucy shook her head, a heavy sigh escaping her lips. "No, I didn't," she confessed, her disappointment evident. "Even if I told him, what would he do about it? He wouldn't come out and admit to dating me, saying 'Yes, I'm dating this foreigner, so it's not true that she fabricated the news. We are dating for real.' Do you think he would say this? No. He wouldn't dare to go against his agency."

As Lucy spoke, her frustration and disillusionment with the situation became palpable, her words echoing the complex power dynamics at play in Sung Hoon's world.

"That sounds awful, Lucy," Jimin murmured, her voice filled with genuine concern. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that."

Lucy offered a small nod of appreciation, grateful for Jimin's understanding. "It was tough," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "Even though Sung Hoon showered me with grand gestures and love, I often felt hollow inside."

"It just felt like empty gestures," Lucy continued, her voice trailing off as she struggled to articulate her feelings. "I didn't feel truly loved."

As the weight of her words hung in the air, Lucy couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at finally sharing her truth with Jimin. And as they continued to chat, she found solace in the understanding gaze of her friend, grateful for the support and empathy she found in Jimin's presence.


***"Cyberbullying is a serious issue that can have devastating effects on individuals' mental health. Just because it occurs online does not make it any less harmful than physical bullying. Behind every screen is a real person with real feelings, and hurtful words and actions can cause deep emotional pain. It's important to remember that online interactions have real-world consequences. Let's strive to create a kinder and more compassionate online community by rejecting cyberbullying and treating others with respect and empathy. If you are a victim of cyberbullying, remember that you are not alone. Don't hesitate to reach out to someone you trust or seek help from a trusted adult, counselor, or helpline. You don't have to face it alone."***

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