Cradle (my dreams) and put (them) to sleep

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Disclaimer: This is written in a pov of a person who doesn't write a lot so the words are a bit boring if ykyk 

Aight thank you for reading and enjoy

Characters: Oliver writing to stressed overachiever


Dear [Redacted],

If you're reading this, please know it's not your fault. The plans I've made were set in stone long before this moment. You couldn't have changed my decisions, no matter what you might say.

I cherish the time we've spent together, but I realize now that I must let you go. We were just two ambitious kids caught up in our dreams, weren't we? At least, that's how it felt for me. As much as I love my passion for photography, I know it wouldn't sustain me in the harsh reality we face. Deep down, I always knew her time was limited. I just couldn't bear to let reality crush my aspirations.

You've been my constant companion through thick and thin, and I used our shared dreams as a way to keep you close. But I see now that it was just an excuse. Perhaps you sensed it too, or maybe you were blissfully unaware. I never anticipated that this simple facade would backfire so profoundly.

At times, it felt like a desperate plea to keep us together, to hold onto something that felt real amidst the chaos. I feared that if I revealed my true intentions, you would leave and resent me for what I promised. I tried to find ways around it, but my efforts were futile.

The truth is, you can't be my top priority anymore. I have responsibilities to my family, especially now with the burden of debt weighing us down. Sacrifices must be made, and I chose us over everything else. It wasn't an easy decision, but I've already wasted too much time chasing illusions.

My family has given me love and support, and now it's time for me to repay them. But please know that I treasure our moments together more than words can express. It may sound cliché, but I fell in love with you too, in my own quiet way. I never said it aloud because I believed actions spoke louder than words. When you held me close, I felt a warmth I hadn't known in a long time. Your presence was my solace amidst the turmoil.

Treat the kisses I gave as an apology. I may not return anytime soon, but know that I carry our memories with me wherever I go.

I love you, [Redacted]. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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