Chapter 8: Cheshire grin

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Alice POV

I was very comfortable. The bed I was laying on was very soft and warm, the blanket I had over me was the same. I was very content to stay where was at, however mother nature had other ideas. I had to pee, badly. I opened my eyes and was met with a huge red snake head. I almost screamed, but I remembered that the giant red snake was Curtis. My newly mated snake beastman mate. Flashes of what happened the afternoon and most of the night before went through my mind. We really went at it like bunnies. I couldn't help my giggle. It was a good pun.

My giggle woke the snake in front of me. I watched as its eye slowly opened and stared at for a few seconds before jerking wide and lifting it head up. It stared at me in awe. I was confused. Is this how he is going to always put on makeup in the morning?

"Are you ok? What's wrong?" I asked him. The blanket I had, which wasn't a blanket but my tiger mate, moved and sat on his hunches. He looked at Curtis, who was still frozen, staring at me and turned to me. He looked at me sleepily then jerked awake like Curtis just did. His jaw dropped and his tail flicked wildly. Ok I'm starting to get worried.

"What? What is it?" Harvey hearing my stress, gently moved from being my bed and sat up to face the two gaping males. He tilted his head and looked at me too. I watched as my third mate stared at me too. His eyes got huge, and he lost the strength in his front limbs, dropping to the ground with his head a few inches from my lap. He never moved his eyes from my form though. His tail was flickering wildly too. "Will someone tell me what's going on? You are scaring me!" I was trembling and my ears flattened my skull.

Winston, hearing that I was scared snapped out of it first. He shifted back, without a care of covering himself, he grabbed me and hugged me to his chest.

"We are sorry, little one. We were just blown away by the blessing you have bestowed upon us," He gave me a kiss and nuzzled my cheek. I was relieved that it wasn't anything scary but what did he meant by blessing. Does he mean being his mate? Harvey snapped out of it next and shifted back, he had the decency to cover himself with fur. Once coved he crawled over to me and took me from Winston.

Kissing my brow, cheek, nose and then finally lips. He kept whispering thank you to me. Sensing my confusion, he controlled himself to answer my silent question.

"You, my beautiful little sweet bunny, have blessed with love. Our marks are on your chest and close to your heart. It is an honor to be so close to the heart." Marks? What? I looked down at my chest and sure enough I had tattoos! Gorgeous tattoos at that. On the top of my right breast, following the swell heading towards my heart was a graceful white tiger walking. On the top of my left breast heading towards my heart, was a running golden leopard. And finally starting from the base of my throat and going down my sternum, was a red snake heading down towards my heart. I loved them.

Curtis shifted back into his naga form and gently took me from Harvey's arms. He kissed his mark and laid his forehead against mine.

"I am so lucky to have stumbled across you, my blessing." I hugged him and smoothed down his hair. I kissed his brow and looked at my other mates.

"You are mine now." I grinned at them, and they chuckled at me. The moment was broken when my stomach made her appearance known. Harvey gathered the fruits we had gathered yesterday before we met Curtis and gave them to me. Yummy! I love berries. As I munched on the berries, I watched as my mates gathered the little things we had in this honeymoon cave. Curtis grabbed all the furs, Harvey gathered the herbs into his skin bag, and Winston made sure the fire was out and everything was packed. Which again there weren't a lot of. Curtis picked me up and sat me on his forearm. He was very strong. I finished my berries as we made our way out of the cave. We started our trek back to the village.

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