(XI) 'Would you marry me, handsome?'

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Shortly, Yoongi and Jimin walk into the police station. They walk to a female officer and Yoongi gulps nervously.

[In English]
She says, 'I'm a bit busy. Officer Khan will hear you out.' and flashes a professional smile.

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An officer in his 30s says, 'That's me, Jawad Khan. How can I help you?'

[In English]
Jimin says, 'My father is trying to kill us.'
Officer Khan asks, 'Why would he try to kill you both?'
Jimin answers, 'Because I'm gay and I'm dating my bodyguard.'
Officer Khan says, 'All right... How about we sit and talk?'
Jimin says, 'Yeah...'

Officer Khan gestures asking the young men to sit. The officer sits on his chair and they sit in front of him.

[In English]
Officer Khan says, 'Now tell me in detail.' and leans on the chair.

Soon, Officer Khan leans forward and stares at Jimin.

[In English]
Jimin says, 'And you have to help us, Officer.'
Officer Khan asks, 'Your dad is a mafia from South Korea, eh?'
Jimin answers, 'I'm not lying to you. Please try to understand. We ran away to save ourselves.'
Officer Khan says, 'Okay... Can you give me the number he called you from?'

Jimin grabs his phone and looks at its screen for a moment. He shows it to Officer Khan.

[In English]
Officer Khan says, 'Mate, find out whose number this is.' and writes the number down on a piece of paper. He hands it over to another officer and gives Jimin's phone back.

[In English]
Yoongi says, 'He doesn't stop until he gets what he wants. You have to help us, sir.'
Officer Khan asks, 'You are his bodyguard, aren't you, mate?'
Yoongi answers, 'I was.'
Officer Khan says, 'Then you must have done illegal things, too.'

[In English]
Jimin says, 'All he did was protect me, Officer. He hasn't done anything illegal.'
Officer Khan says, 'If whatever you said is true and the investigation ends up finding out that you've been involved in illegal activities, you'll have to face the consequences.'
Yoongi says, 'I'm ready, sir.'

[In English]
The officer walks to Officer Khan and says, 'It's a local number, sir. It doesn't exist anymore.'

[In English]
Officer Khan says, 'Thanks, mate.' and watches the other officer walk off. He turns to face Jimin and asks, 'Are you sure that it was your dad?'

[In English]
Jimin answers, 'I'm positive.'
Officer Khan says, 'All right. If he contacts you again or if you feel like he's got near you, inform the police. We'll ensure your safety.'
Yoongi asks, 'What if he shows up all of a sudden and shoots us?'
Officer Khan answers, 'This is all we can do. We don't even know if whatever you're telling me is genuine.'

Jimin says, 'Baby, let's go. This is all they can do. Let's go home. If he shows up, we can call the police.'
Yoongi says, 'But, honey-

Jimin stands up and interrupts, 'Let's go.'

Yoongi presses his lips tight and stands up.

[In English]
Jimin says, 'Thank you, Officer.' and holds Yoongi's hand.

Jimin takes Yoongi out of the police station.

Later at night, Yoongi is in bed with Jimin next to him—the latter is resting his head on Yoongi's chest.

Jimin says, 'He'll never let us live in peace.'
Yoongi says, 'Let's protect each other.'

Jimin whimpers as he nuzzles up against Yoongi's neck.

Yoongi strokes Jimin's hair and plants a kiss on his head.

The next day.

Yoongi is doing the dishes in the kitchen. Jimin creeps into the kitchen and stands still.

Yoongi asks, 'What?'
Jimin answers, 'Ah... You're a trained bodyguard... I can't fool you.'

Yoongi closes the tap and turns to face Jimin.

Jimin smiles shyly at Yoongi.

Yoongi asks, 'What is it?' and chuckles softly.

Jimin grabs a ring box from his pocket and kneels on the floor with his left leg—his right foot is on the floor.

Yoongi covers his mouth with his palm and sheds tears to the floor.

Jimin asks, 'Would you marry me, handsome?'

Yoongi sobs silently in response.

Jimin hums in a questioning tone.

Yoongi takes his palm off his mouth and stutters, 'Y-yes.'

Jimin stands up and grabs the only ring from the ring box. He holds Yoongi's left hand and places it on his ring finger. He plants a soft kiss on Yoongi's wet hands.

Jimin keeps the ring box in his pocket and says, 'I couldn't buy two rings. I don't have enough money. I borrowed some from my co-worker... Fortunately, she's a good friend.'

Yoongi asks, 'Kathleen?'
Jimin answers, 'Aye.'
Yoongi says, 'You could have asked me.'
Jimin says, 'I wanted to surprise you.'

Yoongi chuckles shyly in response.

Jimin holds Yoongi's forearm and pulls him closer for a hug. He wraps his hands around Yoongi's shoulder line and buries his face in Yoongi's neck.

Yoongi holds Jimin's waist and plants a kiss on his head.

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