The Meeting - Trevor Zegras

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In which the reader is best friends with Jack and when the ducks come to play the devils in new Jersey Jack introduces Trevor and the Reader. Trevor immediately wants her to be his, and is willing to do whatever it takes.

Jack and I met when he first came to Jersey. He ended up moving in from the apartment across from me, and we became close right away. I think that was because we were both eighteen and living in a new place where we did not know many people. I mean Jack had his teammates and his roommate Ty, but I was the only person that was the same age as him so I could relate to him with most things. I ended up moving in with Jack and Ty after about six months, because my apartment lease was up and Jack said he did not want me moving across from the city where we would never see each other, so he offered me there extra room. That just brought Jack and I closer. And no I don't like like Jack and I never will. I see him as my annoying protective bestfriend/brother.

Jack and I just kept getting closer over the years. I started to become friends with a lot of his team because they were over all the time. The only thing was that even though we had been friends for three years and spent all of our free time together he had never brought me to their lake house. He always said that he wanted to and was going to but then followed up with "I'm not bringing you because all my friends will flirt with you and that's gross and will never happen". I had always wanted to meet his friends outside of the team because he always talked about them and all of there memories. I knew I would get along with them because the way Jack described them it sounded like our personality's would match perfectly. But Jack being Jack and the protective friend he was did not want me to get with his friends.

I respected his wishes so I never begged to go to the lake house, or to meet his friends outside of the devils. I knew one day he would introduce us. I had not had a boyfriend's since I had first moved to Jersey and we only dated for about five months until he cheated on me and then when I broke up with him he became my stalker. He is now locked up thanks to Jacks amazing lawyers. I had been cautious around guys since then and had built up walls that I only let down around a very few amount of people. And being Jacks best friend meant I had a built in protective brother. It had its perks at times but was also a struggle. Jack would chase away guys that I didn't want but then would do the same with ones that I did like. I just let it go because I was not looking for a relationship only some hook ups.

I was sitting on the couch when Jack came into the apartment. He looked upset and I thought at first it had to do with the fact that his long time best friend and our roommate had just been traded to the penguins and he was now living in Pittsburgh. Jack had been moping around since that had happened and I didn't blame him, I missed Ty too. Jack kicked off his shoes and then came shuffling over to the couch and plopped himself down right next to me, taking the remote out of my hands. I looked at him with a raised eye brow and it's like he did not even know I was there because he did not acknowledge me for about two minutes until I decided to tap him on the shoulder.

He looked over at me and I raised my eyebrow at him. "Sorry. I just heard from a friend and he pissed me off a bit so I wanted to watch some of Quinn's game before I fall asleep" he said while handing me the remote back. I pushed it back into his hands "who did you hear from" I asked him. He turned his body towards me "well Cole is coming to play us in two days and he says that he has to meet this bestfriend I talk about all the time and he's not taking no for an answer because I have been giving him that answer for two years. Then I got off the phone with Trevor who pretty much said the same thing. He just added that he made it possible for him to stay with us while he is here. And he is here for five days. They come one day in advance and then play us the next night and then have a day off and then play the rangers and then they don't leave till late the next day. So he will be here for a bit" he said.

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