"Greasy git." Mary scoffs.

"Not gonna get a disagreement from me." She shrugs, taking a seat on her bed. "So, how have been things?"

"Spectacular," He gives her a deadpan expression.

"Sassy Harry," Lexi chuckles.

"You know what I mean." She says. "Mum said you'll spend atleast a week at the Dursleys, maximum and than for the rest of the two months. You'll be with us!" She grins happily, a wide smile on her face. She has always wanted a sibling, now she did.

Lily breathes out.

Marlene frowns.

Beatrice smiles.

James scowls, but he guessed it was somewhat better than at the Dursleys.

A smile grows on Harry's face, he had always wanted a home where he would feel welcomed. He had the Weasleys, and now he had his aunt and his cousin. He supposed, he truly found a home in the Wizarding World. It's where he belonged. "Yeah, it's spectacular."

Aranya smiles. Her head turns to the door as it opens and Lexi Monroe walks in, carrying a tray filled with small bowls that had all kinds of chocolates and candy.

Lexi grins, watching her future self.

Lei Lei Chang rolls her eyes.

Vista Parkinson makes a face.

Harry shifts on the bed, gathering his things. "Are you sure we're allowed to have sweets at this time?"

Lexi scoffs at his words. "Obviously. You can have them at anytime you want," she than pauses before setting the tray down on the bed before them. "Just don't tell Beatrice I said that."

Beatrice turns to her best friend.

Lexi let's out a nervous giggle. "Oops?" She raises her hands innocently.

Barty smirks. "How fitting."

Regulus and Narcissa laugh.

Andromeda chuckles in amusement.

Aranya's bedroom was large, as it may have been the second largest bedroom in the Manor. Though, shs supposed it's why her parents chose it for their only child.

It had a white four poster bed, with the sheets being a pretty light blue with many stuffed animals like wolves, owls, rabbits and dragons all around. It than had a walk in closet, though it wasn't as big as her parents closet. Of course it had a mirror that took out the top half of one of the walls, she could be considered vain sometimes.

And of course, a white coach with a light brown coffee table in front. And obviously, many book shelves, about three large ones filled to the rim with her books. But those weren't all her books, some were under her bed, on the table and her bedside table, some were lying around. She could be messy, but she had a system.

And of course, a elegant balcony and windows.

Euphemia shakes her head once again. Spoiling a daughter was too much, they would become ungrateful and bratty.

"Here we go again," Lexi mutters, eying the Lady Potter.

"Honesty, does she not have anything better to do?" Pandora Storm mutters.

"Now!" Lexi claps her hands. "You'll be returning to Hogwarts in about three days. Any plans?" She looks at them, noting they were quiet.

"Why don't you tell us about what you did during your Hogwarts years?" Aranya asks, raising her eyebrows at her godmother.

𝓒𝓪𝓵𝓶 𝓓𝓸𝔀𝓷 | 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘗𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳  𝚆𝚃𝙼 Where stories live. Discover now