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Harry, Aranya and Ron, under the Invisibility Cloak, approach Hagrid's cabin, walking down the path as night came with the sky darkening above them. They quickly knock at the door, looking around the empty that seemed to be spooky, especially with the Forbidden Forest a few feet away.

"Oh, looks like their about to go meet Hagrid." James says.

"Neat." Sirius nods.

"I wonder what's going to happen." Marlene hums.

"Agreed." Mary nods.

"It's getting more suspenful," Lily murmurs.

Fang looks up, Hagrid puts the lid on his teapot and readies his crossbow.
"Who's there?" He walkes to his front door and gently kicks it open. "Hello? Hello?"

Harry, Aranya and Ron remove the cloak, Hagrid lowers it at the sight of them.

Harry frowns. "What's that for?" He says, walking inside the room with the other two following.

Hagrid clears his throat. "Oh, nothing, I was expecting, uh... it doesn't matter." He shakes his head, gesturing them to enter. "Come on in, I just made a pot of tea." He pours tea into a cup all the way to the brim.

"Who was he expecting?" Sirius asks.

Remus shrugs.

"I have no idea." Marlene says.

Aranya frowns, concerned as she stares at the large man.

Harry also stares at him. "Hagrid, are you okay?" He asks gently.

Hagrid shakes his head. "I'm fine. I'm all right." He puts the teapot down, letting out a huff.

Harry swallows hard as he stutters. "Di-did you hear about Hermione?"

"Oh yeah. I heard about that all right."

Harry stares at him before he clears his throat, sitting up. "Look, we have to ask you something. Do you know who's opened the Chamber of Secrets?"

Hagrid sighs. "What you have to understand about that is... " He starts before there is another knock at the door.

Harry, Aranya and Ron turn towards the door in confusion as Fang barks.

"Quick. Under the cloak. Don't say a word, be quiet, three of you." Hagrid whispered urgently, hurrying them along.

Harry puts the cloak over them and they quickly hide into a corner.

Hagrid pushes open the door, to find Dumbledore at the door, accompanied by another older gentleman. "Oh, Professor Dumbledore, sir." He says with a polite nod.

Dumbledore smiles kindly as he glanced towards, Fudge, who gives Hagrid a slight greeting smile. "Good evening, Hagrid. I wonder, could we...?" The man says hesitatinly.

Hagrid nods quickly. "Of course." He beckons them inside. "Come in, come in."

Aranya immediately recognizes Fudge as he enters. Her eyes widen with surprise. "That's Mom's boss' boss, Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic." She whispered.

"Along with my Dad's," Ron adds quietly, to which Harry slowly nods, his gaze set on the two men.

"That's the Minister?!" James yelps.

"James!" Euphemia exclaims. "Calm down."

"That's the Minister." Fleamont nods.

"He's old and fat," Lexi snorts.

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