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The sun was rising as I pulled into town my car running out of gas "great. Just perfect." I mumbled I held onto my necklace smiling at the St.Christopher . I realized where I was. Back home.

I was gone for a month visiting family in Detroit so I guess you could say I had an accent from there and here mixed.

My family is Italian so it was very confusing for my place on where I was. If I met someone that didn't know me.

I sighed feeling the welcoming air from my window hit my face. I missed everyone I missed the gang. The way my best friend would hug me every time I seen him.


Above all I missed him.

I realized now back to reality I was stuck. It wasn't like I had a phone on me either to call. "Shit." I mumbled.

I decided to close my door and try pushing it myself.

About a mile or two down I noticed a gas saying DX "soda!" I thought out loud and I started walking towards it almost sprinting excited to see him again. I know him and Steve can help me with my car.

Steve was with Soda laughing inside the DX, my hair was drenched as it started raining like a storm, I quickly went in "hey boys" I said happily they both stopped talking confused until they seen me.

"MCKENNA!" They shouted running towards me crushing me "hey I've only been gone for a month" I joked "and you I'm surprised you miss me" I chuckled at Steve him and I were 50/50 with each other it was a hate and love relationship mostly because I was protective of Pony and he would make comments to be mean towards him.

"Why wouldn't I miss my little sis?" Steve questions rubbing my head. I wasn't exactly little either I was in between Sodas and Dallas age .

Yes Steve and I are siblings but I am adopted I visit my real family once in a while. They are from Detroit as I have mentioned.

I glanced at Soda smiling like an idiot "I missed you guys." "We missed you too." Soda chuckled handing me a drink "what brings you to the DX? Besides seeing us?" Soda smirks.

"My car broke down again. Well more so out of gas." I chuckled.

Soda nodded as I put my hood up and we went outside seeing it not too far away where I last left it. Soda and Steve willingly put flannels on before going to push the car I decided to help them.

It didn't take very long "we'll have it up and running. I'm also going to check to make sure it's running good" Steve said. I smiled my brother was always willing to look out for me it was nice to know he cared sometimes.

I was mostly catching up with Soda seems nothing changed.

"Dallas?" I questioned.

He looked at me "oh um. Him and Sylvia broke up." He said.

I wasn't surprised I mean I was but I knew she was a few days or night stand relationship that's how Dallas was.

From what I know she's been cheating on him me he never believed me. I guess he finally got the hint.

I seen her flirting with socs like Bob and others.

My response too if I scoffed thinking of Bob "you okay?" He asked I nodded "I have school tomorrow since I'm back." I'm in the same grade as Twobit he's done it a few years since he keeps failing so I caught up to him.

I chuckled at that I missed twobit. "Where's Twobit anyway?" I asked Soda told me probably at his place so I decided to leave my car I know Steve would keep it in touch.

Soda gave me a hug which felt warming to feel.

We quickly let go and I left walking in the rain which died down a bit.

I made sure I had my switch on me I always did.

It wasn't really busy out but a few blocks down not too far from Sodas house I could see it. I felt weird like someone was watching me I turned to see a mustang coming down its way "you lost greaser?" The boy whistled my way.

I scoffed "as if." I said and I tried to continue walking but they blocked my path with their car on the side walk getting out.

"Where do you think you're going? We didn't say you could leave" I was getting nervous I mean Detroit is scary because you can have nothing in Detroit but I wasn't getting jumped every few minutes I was also always with someone.

Where as here Im never really am. I really need to stick with people, I pulled out my blade quickly and they laughed "you think that's going to hurt us?" He questioned loudly.

There was 4 of them. I recognized one of them Randy he looked like he didn't want to be here but had no choice . He was Bobs best friend.

I was suddenly grabbed from behind as they tried pulling me to the ground taking my switch blade.

The boy took it holding it to my neck I gasped as I stopped moving not wanting to be cut. "Now listen here." "You do as we say and I won't kill you" he said the others came to help hold me down.

I tried kicking them away but doing that he cut my cheek a bit making me scream "TWOBIT!" I yelled. I knew he was home I really yelled for anyone.

I kicked the one guy in the face and head butted the other guy I tried getting up to run to the house , but they tackled me again as I struggled to get him off "Son of a bitch!" One mumbled as I hit him the other guy with the blade only hit me back harder.

"DALLAS!" I cried out "ANYONE!"

The guy smirked coming in closer "Dallas isn't going to help you doll" he laughed as he tried to lift my shirt up but he was kicked off immediately "YOU BITCH!" The familiar person yelled.

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