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Kindles pov
I came home to see my little brother latig on the floor in bordom.
"Finally" he exclamed.
"Finally what" i asked walking to the kitcheb looking for a snack.
" you came home.i was starting to think you ditched me to hook up with that micro chick." He said glaring at me.
For a 14 year old boy he sure knows alot.
"Eww micro never. She is my enemy. He is a rude incompetent-" i started.
"HOTTY" my brother yelled.
"What!" I yelled looking up drom the fridge.
"Thats what your going to say when you relize you like her.cause even i have to admit she is hot. Like mercury." My brother said grining.
my brother is a smart kid. So hes a perverted nerd.
"Riiight" i said lookeing back into the fridge.
I walked into the livingroom after i got some strawberry pooding.
"What makes you think micros hot?" I asked in wonder.
"Everything.her temper. The way she yells and when she helps people every so often." He was sayonf while u just sat there in disgust.
"Keep dreaming bro. He is like teo years older than you and she doesnt like perverts." I said trying to anger him.
" who says im a pervert." My brother said glareing at me.
"The world mean you just talk amd act like one." I said.
"Well #@$% you" he said stomping up to his room.
I just chuckled.
"Thanks"i calles after him.
He flippes me off.
"@$$" he yelled at me.
"Well im going for a walk." I screames after him
"Whatever d***" he screamed at me.
"Right back at ya." I said wlking out of the house. Before i hot put of the yard my back became wet.
I turned around to see micro with a basket full of paint balloons.
I smirked an evil smirk.
"Well what are you waiting for @$$ get her back" my brother called from gus window.
i glared at him.
I gave him the bird while micro stood there laughing.
"Even your brother disses you kindle." She giggled out.
Wow shes cute when shes laughing
I growled at my thought.
Stupid hormones!!
"Shut up" i growled at her.
"Make me" she smirked back and threw another balloon.
This one hit my pabt leg and it was covered in blue paint.
I glared daggers at her.
"Oh its on" i said as i ran toy garage to gt my paintball gun.
"HOTTY"my little brother yelled at micro.
He threw a paintballoon at him causeing his face to be red.
"Thays what you get you perverted nerd." I yelled aa h while he gave me the bird.
"Hey pretty boy why dont you get iver here so i can kill yoou with paint" she yelled as i grabbed my paint balls.
"aaah you think im pretty." I laughes as i shot paint at her.
She growled in fustration.
"Im going to kill you and your perverted brother." she screamed at me.
time skip
i was in the shower trying to wash all this paint off. While my brother was whining on the toilet about how micro made his face all red and she looked hot when she three ballons at me.
I growled in fustration.
"Can you just get the h** out" i said. "Whatever" he said walking out.
( a/n hey how was it pretty biring rigt srry for not updateing but i was kinda brainfarting. Also i have no internet till the summers over and i gp to the school. Cause i haveno wifi. Thanks my followers and whoever else reads this.

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