Are they...alive?

18 1 0

You wake up at about 6:30 so you can be there by 8 like you stated yesterday. You wake up and grab some of the food in your kitchen so you don't spend much money, the trip to the plex and back would take 2 full tanks of gas, mainly because the plex is so far away so it could be off the grid, not to mention the shady stuff the company would do, but that's not your place to say. You grab your car keys and your phone as you make your way out of the door, after closing and locking up your apartment you hop into your car and start your playlist so the car ride wasn't so boring.

You drive away from your complex and make your way down the street onto the freeway so you can get there as soon as you can. Honestly, you knew that you that in all reality that you were going to go in alone first, I mean you are the one that requested going in there anyways, plus it would be nice to see how it all looks after all this time. You continue to drive as you watch your surroundings, its the same old trees, occasional gas station, sometimes a random store here or there but other than that this place you called home was a ghost town.

Ever since the pizza plex closed down everyone either moved away or suffered from the lack of popularity. Your small town of Hurricane Utah was getting smaller by the second and you would do anything to get it back, the plex brought everyone together, and brought more people which made the town even better! However, like all good things, it didn't last, once that sinkhole opened up in Roxy Raceways the whole thing had to get closed down so they can figure out what to do, not to mention the kids that would go missing.

Soon you pulled into the now dead parking lot of the pizza plex, it was about an hour or so commute so you decided to open the doors so that you and whoever Vanessa was bringing could start the work. First search, then salvage, whatever could be repaired on sight you could do, or whoever else she's bringing could, if they had the right knowledge of course. You hop out of you car to open the doors but then notice a little girl trying to climb into the plex, how she's climbing you have no idea but its probably not a great idea to be doing it.


She turns around and sees you, on command she slides down and looks down to the ground, acting like a sad puppy getting fussed for something. You walk towards her and she's still not looking at you, I guess the guilt or something finally getting to her. You stand in front of her ready to talk.

Y/N: Hey what are you doing here? This place has been closed for years, not to mention its not safe in there...

??: I got a message from my friend saying he was stuck in the plex... I just wanted to go and get him out...My names Cassie...

Y/N: Hey its okay, are you sure that they are in there Cassie? Also its not a good idea going in there by yourself, or going in at all without an adult or someone to protect you, you don't know what could be in there..

C: I know...I'm sorry Mr...I'll leave now...please don't call the cops

Y/N: Hey look at my kid

She looks up at you, crying can understand her position, you would want to help a friend out as well.

Y/N: I'm going to be going in there on official business with some other people to go and salvage some stuff for the company, if you want you can tag along and we can look for your friend...alright?? Also, my names Y/N... Y/N L/N.

Her demeanor immediately changes, she goes from gloomy to happy in an instant.


Y/N: Your welcome Cassie, its really no problem.

After a couple minutes Vanessa finally arrives in her car, who you can guess as her son in the back seat. Soon she comes out of her car with her kid in tow, Cassie's looking around and Vanessa soon comes up to you.

FixableOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora