(BOOK 2) Chapter 7

Start from the beginning

“Please do?”

“Cool.” He walked out the room.

“Deem’ what did De’Andre say about the baby?”

“Maxwell saw me walk into the clinic and snaked me out”


Shamar walked back in

“He’ll do it...you ready to get La’Shyra back?” I smiled


“Sorry Kadeem, but Cory has full custody over La’Shyra Shevelle Georges’”

I watched as he stood there with a massive grin on his face. He planned it. He must have.

“No, no, no, no.”


“No, no, NO!” I woke up. Thank God it had all been a dream.

I stretched and decided to go have a bath.

30 minutes later and I was choosing my outfit for the day.

Pencil skirt, white ruffled top, black cardigan and black 4 inch heels.

I curled my hair and walked down the stairs.

Kai and Shamar where awake.

“Morning” I said.

“Morning, Deem find something to eat, we have to go.” I picked up an apple and we made our way to Shamar’s car.

Today was going to be a busy day


2 hours later


“So Kadeem, how did you lose La’Shyra in the first place?” The judge asked. I stood up slowly

“Uhm basically-”

“Your honour.” The judge said. I looked at him slowly

“Your honour,” I mimicked the way he said it. “Um basically, I was 15 when I had La’Shyra and my mum kicked me out, I was living with a friend when someone burnt down our house with La’Shyra in it...while I was at the hospital Uhm a social service worker came and told me they were taking her away and yeah...”

“Hmm okay, How long have you known Cory and what did he say when he found out you were pregnant?”

“I’ve known Cory for about 5, 6 years now? And he was on the run...I mean he was staying at his cousins for abit so Uhm I didn’t get a chance to tell him about La’Shyra until she was 6 months and when I did tell him he denied her...”

“She’s lying.” Cory said while standing up.

“Sit down, young man. Carry on Kadeem.” The judge said while pointing towards me.

“Uhm, he wanted a paternity test.”


30 minutes later and the judge was deciding who had custody over La’Shyra. I looked around the room to see La’Shyra sitting there in one dress that I bought her. I couldn’t help but smile.

“Hmm, I’m stuck...” The judge said while laughing. “Ok, La’Shyra please come up here?”

“Ok.” She got up and ran to the front. Everyone was awwing.

“Ok, La’Shyra who do you wants to stay with? Mummy or Daddy?”

“I don’t know, I really want to go with mummy but Daddy won’t be happy. So Daddy..”

My heart dropped. She looked over at me and noticed I was crying. She ran up to me and hugged me.

“I’m sorry.”

“How’d you feel now baby girl?” Cory said while standing up.

“Sit down young man. I’m sorry to say Kadeem but Cory Anthony now has full custody over La’Shyra Georges. Case-.”

“No, no, NO!” I threw myself on the floor.

“La’Shyra come here,”


“Come here now!”


He walked up to her and slapped her. Everyone looked shocked, even the judge.

“Your honour please, she can’t stay with him, please.” I literally begged.

“Your honour, if you don’t mind my input, but please...La’Shyra belongs with her mum.” I looked around to see who had said it...Solace? Cory’s girl. I smiled at her and then looked at the judge, who smiled at me.

“Well theres been a change of plan...Kadeem Georges, you now have full custody over La’Shyra Shevelle Georges. Case closed” I put my hands on my face and screamed.

“How’d you feel now baby boy?” I said to Cory while laughing. La’Shyra ran up to me and hugged me.

“Thank you” I mouthed to the judge. He nodded


New start. And this time my daughter would be in it.

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