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Hanna POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I stretched and reached for my phone, turning my alarm off. I checked my phone for notifications to see of course I had none.

Slowly climbing out my bed, I did the usual, brushing my teeth and hair, getting my outfit for the day on and getting my stuff for school ready.

Waiting for Chloe, to pick me up for school, my mind drifted to that girl. Leia. I still don't understand the feelings. I guess I'll find out

A horn of a car shook me out of my trance and I left my house, locking my door and getting in Chloe's car. "Hey Chloe" I say to her. "Hey, you ready for hell" she asked with a slight laugh

"As ready as one can be" I replied back to her. We finally arrive at school and we hope out the car. I pull Chloe back to ask her a question. "Hey Chloe how did you know you liked girls." A wide smile spread across her face before she said.

"I don't know I just did. Why do you have something to tell me" she answered. I started walking. "No I was just wondering"
The bell rang around 15 mins later and I walked to science, first period. I sat down and I waited for the teacher to start. Leia was in this class but she sat at the front next to a girl she was on and off with I guess.

I wasn't listening just staring at the end of the class when the teacher started talking about the a project in pairs. Well that's just fun when I barely talk to anyone..... Never mind barely I don't talk to anyone here.

"So I'm going to pair you up... And no you can not choose your partners." After the teacher said that, most of the class groaned.

"Jake with Holly, Bailey with Taylor" I zoned out again before I heard. "Leia and Hanna" I internally groaned before I saw Leia walking to me.

"Guess we're partners yeah?" She said. Leia was talking to me. She didn't know who I was. My heart was pounding.

"Um Y-yeah" I stuttered. She smirked then said. "Cool, see you at mine. Saturday 2pm. Don't be late" she says. Slipping a note into my pocket and walking off. I looked at the note and read it was her address.
"You have her address" Chloe gasped at me. "Yes I do it's only for a science project." I say back to her calmly.

"Only for a.... Han that could be more than a science project. You literally love her" she said a little too loud. "You don't need to tell the whole world. And I don't like her. Well I don't know if I do."

"Exactly so don't blow your chance" She said as we walked out of school to go home. "It's a project that's it Chloe" she rolled her eyes and sighed. "Fine, you be boring then"

We get in her car and she starts driving me back home. All I could think of was Leia. My partner. Only my partner nothing more. She doesn't even know who I am. She only knows I exist because of this.
552 words
Second chapter.
I like this story a lot better than my old one. Definitely not as cringe even if it still is 😭

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