I Don't Understand

18 0 1

Hanna POV

I've always known I had a liking to girls but I never understood what those feelings were. Id be walking through school and I would see guys and none of them made me feel the way it would if I saw a girl.

Talking about school I was walking through the crap place. I hated even imagining being that girl who everyone knew. I preferred being alone.

Well I had this friends who I knew since childhood, but I didn't have the whole school wanting to be me or to be with me.

I was at my locker when my best friend if 9 years, Chloe walked up to me. "Hey, how was your weekend" she asked me. I was opening my locker when I smiled and answered. "It was great, how about you"

She suddenly had a wide grin in her face. "Chlo, what is it" she started to giggle before saying. "Um, I may be kind of dating someone again"

I gave her a confused look before asking, "again." I then realised then said. "Chloe don't tell me you're with Taylor again" Taylor was her ex and they were always on and off.

Taylor was a toxic girl but she was also someone who was protective. Oh yeah Chloe is bi-sexual. I grabbed her hand and took her to first period which was English. My second to least favourite lesson. Of course maths was first.

As we were walking I saw a girl that was really popular. Leia Dewell. The girl who played with hearts. To be specific girls hearts. No not everyone was gay or girls. I just mostly knee someone like that.

I glanced at Leia. And I felt something in my stomach. Butterflies... ? I don't know but it was a weird feeling. She was talking to a girl. They looked like they were flirting.

I was stood in front of English class, when Chloe snapped me out of my thoughts. "Hey stop day dreaming and get into class"
I was writing down stuff about writing essays when Chloe tapped me. "Hey do you like that girl...... Leia." She asked me. I looked at her then said, "huh no why would you ask that." I said really quick. "Girl, breathe I was only asking and I can tell by the way you were looking at her."

I got back to work and ignored chlo for the rest of the day. The bell rang and I went to last lesson.
Last lesson was really boring and now I was currently walking home. I got to my door and unlocked my door.

I walked through my door to see my parents out. No surprise. Its rarely ever they are in the house.

My dog Honey, she was a pit bull, came running and jumping up at me. "Hey girl" I stroked her head and kissed her.

I gave her, her food and took her to my room to watch a film with me because she was my only company. That's a bit sad but oh well.

After I got changed I got under my covers and put a film on. I decided to rewatch The Conjuring. I was a big fan of horror.

I got into a film and after a while I felt my eyes closing and I fell asleep.
558 words.
First chapter.
Went better than I thought
Might be a slow burner but I don't really like those kind of books. They start boring me. 😭. No Offense to anyone who has wrote slow burners bc they are genuinely good books

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