Toddler Troubles.

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This chapter I find very cute.

Hope you enjoy.


It was about 9:30 am at the Huo household, meaning it was time to feed Xiao.

Red Son reached for the baby food in one of the top kitchen cupboards. He grabbed a small jar labeled 'Peach and Vanilla', which is one of Xiao's favourite flavour combinations.

Red's attention then shifted onto MK, who was engrossed by a comic book at the table.

"MK, it's time to feed Xiao. Could you go grab her, please?" Red Son requested.
MK looked up with a mischievous grin, "Sure thing, my Spicy Bull of Love," He teased as he got up from his seat and planted a quick kiss on Red Son's cheek.
Red Son rolled his eyes, "Please don't call me that, Noodle Boy," He retorted playfully.

"You know you love it!" MK smirked at the blushing red head.

MK absolutely adores showering Red Son with cute nicknames at every possible moment. The main reason behind this is MK's pure delight at Red's adorable flustered expressions whenever these names are uttered.

After making his way over to the playroom, MK called out to his daughter, "Xiao, where are you, baby girl?"
Suddenly, Xiao popped out from a mound of stuffed toys, appearing in her Monkey form.
Her giggles filled the room as she crawled out from the toy pile, clutching onto something long.

With delight, MK exclaimed, "There you are, sweetie! What toy do you have there?"
As MK observed more closely, he was astonished to see Xiao was standing up right, on two legs.

She was walking! "Oh my gosh, you're walking!" MK exclaimed.
Overwhelmed with awe, he immediately called out for his husband. "RED SON! Come look at this!" MK shouted.

Feeling a rush of panic, Red Son hurried over. "MK, what happened, is Xiao alright!?" Red Son questioned worriedly.
"She's fine, but look...Look at what she's doing!" MK pointed towards their daughter in excitement.
Excitement lit up Red Son's face as he witnessed Xiao walking for the first time. "Her first steps!" He remarked.
MK beamed with joy, nodding in agreement, "I know!"
However, Red Son's gaze sharpened as he noticed that Xiao is clutching onto the Monkey King's staff. "Wait, is that the staff? How did she get a hold of that?" Red Son asked in alarm.

"Huh, I don't know." MK replied, scratching his head, feeling equally puzzled. "But at least now we know that she's able to lift it."

"She shouldn't even be handling weapons at her age! We need to get that staff away from her!" Red Son stated urgently.

Quick to address the situation, MK devised a simple, clever plan.
He knelt down, extending his arms towards their precious baby, "Hey Xiao, come here, walk to Daddy and Papa."

Xiao happily complied and wobbled towards her Daddy, successfully diverting her attention. Swiftly, MK took the staff from her grasp and then used his Monkey powers to shrink the staff down to the size of a pen and carefully placed it into his right trouser pocket.

Impressed by MK's quick thinking, Red Son couldn't help but offer a smile. "Oh, I see what you did there."

Beaming with pride, MK responded, "That's why they call me the plan man." He teased, earning a cheerful laugh from Xiao. "Yes they do. Yes they do!" MK nuzzled her, smiling warmly.

Red Son, overcome with love for his family, kissed both MK and Xiao on their foreheads, "Alright, I think now it's time we head back to the kitchen for feeding time."

Xiao grinned, her eyes twinkling. "Num num?"

Red Son chuckled at her innocence, "Yes, little flame, num num."

And with that, the family walked back towards the kitchen.

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