Chapter 2: The Mimic

Start from the beginning

 He could hear the scurrying of the other Hunters. They were all headed his direction. Eyes dashing in all direction, Sebastian spotted an exit door at the back of the store with no one in sight. That was his only chance to get out of this now, especially after killing one of them. He  began to run.

 He didn't get far, however, before something grabbed him by the neck and jerked him backwards so hard that he dropped both the gun and the animal who whimpered pathetically as it hit the ground.

 What now? Sebastian thought.

 It was, of course, another hunter. This one creating a type of rope made of the same flaming energy. Also emitting that same orange glow. He used this rope as a whip which wrapped around Sebastian's neck like a cowboy wrangling cattle. The rope burned at Sebastian's skin.

 "I got him!" said the hunter that produced the rope. Greasy black hair was pinned to his skull by hair products. 

 He yanked on the whip, slamming Sebastian to the floor hard enough to knock the wind right out of his lungs. 

 "Micah have mercy!" He exclaimed as his ran over to pin Sebastian down, He yelled out to his group, "This one's definitely with some sort of following. Micah's energy isn't even eating through him. DAMN IT!"

 He howled in pain. The creature that Sebastian had been nursing back to health barely found the strength to stand on it's feet. It had ran over and bit the man on the leg. The white in it's fur vibrating at a furious frequency.

 "No!" Sebastian said to the animal through horse gasps as the rope squeezed on his wind pipe, "No! Run away you moronic animal! Run, damn it!"

 But It was too late.

 The man kicked the creature off him, and then with one arm, conjured a spike that he through right through the animal's chest, pinning him to the floor and killing him instantly. The spike quickly evaporated into nothingness, leaving the animal limp and lifeless. Its swirling white lines on its fur went still.

 "Pests those things are." The slim Hunter said.

 Rage overtook Sebastian's inner temperature. Causing his temple to feel hot. Bloodlust consumed his mind.

 Instincts kicked in. Sebastian Forced his fingers in between his neck and the rope. As soon as he had a good grip, he unleashed the trick he had up his sleeve. 

 He imagined what it was like to conjure energy. To create weapons and forms with the palms of your hands. It was like filtering through files in his mind until he found what he was looking for. A link between himself and the person in front of him. Suddenly, he felt it within him. He knew he could do it. He conjured a ring. It wasn't perfect, it was lopsided and ugly, but it was functional enough to expand and loosen the rope that had been around his throat.

 He stood up and advanced onto the greasy haired hunter. The hunter reacted swiftly. Whipping the rope around him before sending it flying at Sebastian once again. This time, Sebastian was ready. Catching the rope with his forearm, allowing it to wrap around to gain a solid grip. The smell of burning arm hair stung at Sebastian's nostrils as the rope slowly burned away at his flesh. 

 He tugged at the rope, the hunter planted his feet to stop himself from being pulled forward and fought Sebastian for control. The hunter tugged with twice the strength of Sebastian, who allowed the gained momentum of the tug to aid him leap forward. Sebastian kicked the hunter in the chest with dangerous speed. The hunter was knocked back but quickly regained his footing. With one hand still on the rope, the hunter conjured a knife which he swung at Sebastian. Sebastian dodged it but just barely. The front of his shirt getting sliced in the process cutting into his skin.

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