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An addict to heartbreak's cruel descent,
On loving you, my every need is bent.
Each hit of your affection is blissful rapture,
Until the pain arrives to crush and capture.

The chaos we create becomes my vice,
Passion's wildfire burning, paid the price.
Up and down the tempests rage,
Another hit to turn the page.

A paramaniac, trapped in this toxic spin,
Bound to break-up/make-up cycle I'm in.
No escape from its cruel curse,
Without it, I'd wither and disperse.

Hooked on the madness our love obtains,
The feat of surviving is what sustains.
In purgatory's grip, forevermore,
Chasing your cold disdain I endlessly pour.

A paramaniac's life I have embraced,
No path to recovery can now be traced.
Your heartbreak is the drug that courses my view,
This deadly addiction tying me to you.

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